The RISKS Digest
Volume 6 Issue 47

Monday, 21st March 1988

Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems

ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator

Please try the URL privacy information feature enabled by clicking the flashlight icon above. This will reveal two icons after each link the body of the digest. The shield takes you to a breakdown of Terms of Service for the site - however only a small number of sites are covered at the moment. The flashlight take you to an analysis of the various trackers etc. that the linked site delivers. Please let the website maintainer know if you find this useful or not. As a RISKS reader, you will probably not be surprised by what is revealed…


NTP Timewarp - the difficulties of synchronizing clocks
Jerry Leichter
USA: Time for wrong time, again
Scot E. Wilcoxon
Risks from smart terminals - and risks that aren't there
Jerry Leichter
ATMs and Fear of Cameras
Jeff Stearns
More Communications Insecurity
Dennis Hamilton
What the computer says, goes - even if it is obviously wrong.
Michael Newbery
Risks of automatic mailwatch reply programs
Martin Minow
Census data availability
Joe Morris
Cyber Foundation BBS
James Jones via Martin Minow
Info on RISKS (comp.risks)

"NTP Timewarp - the difficulties of synchronizing clocks"

Mon, 21 Mar 88 11:37 EST
The following message was posted to the tcp-ip newsgroup by Mills@UDEL.EDU.


    At the moment both the ISI and NCAR radio clocks have failed, while
    the UDel radio clock is down for repair. This leaves only the UMd and
    Ford radio clocks online. Unfortunately, sometime since Friday evening
    the NTP primary time-server network, which usually thrives when one or
    more radio clocks fail, went nuts and may have delivered bogus time. I
    believe I have found and fixed the bug, which turned out to be subtle
    indeed and bit only in an interesting and unusual scenario involving
    broken spanning trees. As of now (Saturday afternoon) all primary
    servers ISI, NCAR, UDel, UMd, Ford and DECWRL have been fixed. Note
    that all except UMd and Ford are running at stratum two, since they
    have automatically resynchronized to the remaining radio clocks.
    Secondary servers at Linkabit and Rice, now operating at their usual
    stratum two, have also been fixed.

    There is at least one Unix site that crashed due the broken time.
    Since the bug was due to my own error and not due to the protocol
    design or Mike Petry's NTP daemon, I do apologize for any
    inconvenience. When a new NTP daemon conforming to the latest protocol
    revision becomes available, even this latest bug will not cause
    timewarps, should something like it ever happen again.


I don't know anything about the details of the system involved, but it's
nevertheless interesting to compare the description with some of the scenarios
Perrow describes in "Necessary Risks".  Here we have an apparently highly
redundant system (6 primary servers).  However, we find a time when two
have failed, just as a third goes down for repair.  (The numbers don't add up
- DECWRL is unaccounted for.  Perhaps its network connection failed.)  At just
that time, a bug is triggered by yet another unusual confluence of events that
leaves the network in a particular state.
                            — Jerry

USA: Time for wrong time, again

Scot E. Wilcoxon <>
Sun, 20 Mar 88 23:02:54 CST
A few types of computers had problems with 1988 or leap year.  Next,
many USA computer sites get to encounter Daylight Savings time.

This year Daylight Savings time begins on April 3, three weeks earlier than
it formerly began.  Computers which automatically calculate DST may have
outdated programming.  Most systems will not actually malfunction, but users
of the machines will not consider the old time as being correct.

Systems with time-sensitive interactions with other systems might have 
problems.  Perhaps we'll find out if they're not corrected in time.

Scot E. Wilcoxon, Data Progress   {amdahl|hpda}!bungia!datapg!sewilco
+1 612-825-2607
                                                       [Pun unintended?  PGN]

Fri, 18 Mar 88 13:01 EST
Subject: Risks from smart terminals - and risks that aren't there

The recent discussion of the various risks posed by smart terminals has in-
evitably lead to a comment (Jim Frost's) about VT220's.  Actually, VT220's
and related terminals are examples of the RIGHT way to design smart terminals
for a hostile environment:

    a)  It is indeed possible to send a request to a VT220 and have it
        reply with its programmed answerback sequence - which could
        be anything at all.  However, the answerback sequence cannot
        be changed by anything the host sends - the only way to get
        write access to it is from local setup mode.

        BTW, this should again emphasize that if you don't have
        adequate physical control over your equipment, all bets are

    b)  It is possible to program some of the keys on a VT220 and have
        it send anything you like when that key is struck.  Unlike
        the answerback sequence, key definitions CAN be changed from
        the host.  However, it's possible to lock the key definitions.
        Once they are locked, nothing the host does can unlock them;
        the lock bit can only be cleared locally, from setup mode.

        I should also point out that the programmable keys are all
        inactive until you load something into them - it's not
        possible to change, say, RETURN to "DELETE".  This makes it
        unlikely that you can catch someone who never loads the
        programmable keys, and hence leaves them unlocked.

    c)  It's possible to lock the keyboard from the host, but it's also
        always possible to go into setup and unlock it.  In addition,
        a user can locally "lock user preference features", which
        disables the host's ability to modify some terminal para-
        meters.  "Keyboard Action", which is the parameter that con-
        trols whether the keyboard is locked or not, is a user pre-
        ference feature.

There may be ways to "hack" a VT220 - actually, there are probably more ways
with its graphics cousin, the VT240.  My point here is not that there are NO
risks with a VT220; it's that it IS possible to design a smart terminal that
does a pretty good job of avoiding most of them.  Just because some terminal
interfaces are poorly thought out doesn't mean that it's impossible to design
good ones.
                            — Jerry

ATMs and Fear of Cameras (Re: RISKS-6.41)

Jeff Stearns <>
Thu, 17 Mar 88 11:15:05 PST
ATMs aren't protected by cameras.  They're protected by the *fear* of cameras.

Banks rely on that fear.  But that's risky for them, too.

I always treated cash machines with reasonable respect until I once had to
amuse myself while waiting for the machine to complete a particularly
sluggish transaction.  Growing tired of mugging for the camera, I paused to
inspect it more closely.

The camera was mounted behind a semi-silvered mirror (but we fans of "one
way" mirrors always regard them as more of a challenge than deterrent).  By
assuming a proper viewing position about two inches from the mirror, I could
closely study the camera and lens.

The big juicy lens was clearly visible and boldly emblazoned with the single
word "Polaroid".  The only other distinguishing mark was the corner of a
fragment of sticky foam tape which affixed the lens to the "camera body".

From that moment onward, the camera and I became fast friends.  I took
particular pleasure in asking the bank tellers about its health.  In fact,
I believe that I was first to alert them when the adhesive dried out and
the lens fell off.

Next time you do business with Capital Savings, be sure to smile for the
camera.  Now I've begun to wonder about the cameras mounted *inside* the bank.

Jeff Stearns    John Fluke Mfg. Co, Inc.   (206) 356-5064

    "Oh, no sir, the cash machine only gave me $20 instead of $40.  Just
     check your camera records; you'll clearly see that only $20 came out."

More Communications Insecurity

Dennis Hamilton <rochester!cci632!sjfc!>
Thu, 17 Mar 88 17:11:41 EST
%A Alan Baley
%T Tailgating: A dirty little network security problem
%J Data Communications
%V 17
%N 3
%D March, 1988
%P 55-58
%O Newsfront Section
%K Open Connections Unrecognized Disconnects Concentrators Gateways
%X This article basically confirms that tailgating is still a regular
problem on VANs, private networks, and, of course, your friendly
neighborhood university dial-up system.
  Tailgating refers to the situation where a concentrator or other
front-end equipment fails to noticed a dropped call, allowing a new
call to seize that slot and operate in continuation of the previous
user's session.  The article describes how many occurences are a result
of careless strapping and configuration of modems and concentrators,
but that systems remain vulnerable to the problem, especially when
they are overloaded.  (When I tried my hand at PC bulletin-board
software, this is one of the things that I was proud of getting
right.  It is very important to *never* let a modem answer on its
own, getting the computer to notice and handle the new ring instead.
However, many larger systems are not able to operate that way and must
use auto-answer modems.  It is very easy for a disconnect and new
call to go unnoticed under those conditions, leaving the previous
caller's accounts and data open to intrusion.  It shouldn't be allowed.)
  [Dennis E. Hamilton: 88-03-17]

%T NASA Encounters a Trojan Horse
%J Data Communications
%V 17
%N 3
%D March, 1988
%P 83
%O Advertisement
%K Digital Pathways West German hackers NASA X.25 intrusion
%X This advertisement is for a family of dial-up security products.
It claims that the West German hackers who broke into the NASA X.25
(SPAN?) network did so via a Trojan horse and were able to operate
unnoticed for three months.
  The ad suggests that NASA had comprehensive security measures
and they were vulnerable anyhow.
  It is not at all clear to me how network security at access
points is any use at all against a Trojan horse, so there seems to
be some hyperbole here.  It makes for a nice advertisement
illustration, though, with a Trojan Horse on the moon in the
background behind a LEM labelled X.25!  On the other hand, if this
is the level of sophistication of the advertiser, would you
let them do your network security?
  Digital Pathways, Inc., 201 Ravendale Drive, Mountain View CA 94043.
  [Dennis E. Hamilton: 88-03-17]
    — orcmid {uucp: ... !rochester!sjfc!deh0654 ...

What the computer says, goes - even if it is obviously wrong.

Michael Newbery <>
20 Mar 88 21:20:35 GMT
Another example of "If the computer says it is so, it must be so!"

From the Wellington 'Evening Post', Saturday 19 March 1988, By Karina Barrymore
Reprinted WITHOUT permission

Discovery yesterday of a computer error which overcharged interest on some
credit cards may have never come to light except for persistent inquiries by
a cardholder.  An article in the Post last night said Charge Card
Corpororation, the manager of 20 retail outlet credit cards [in NZ] had been
overcharging interest.  After a two week inquiry, [the] managing director
finally told the cardholder a mistake had been made-the computer program
that calculated the interest was wrong.  The company has said it will
correct the error and refund all overcharging.

However, the company's attempted fob-off and run-around given to this
reporter, who is also the cardholder concerned, is a story on its own.  My
latest statement showed interest of $9.97 on an opening balance of $111.49
debt.  The statement clearly said monthly interest was calculated at 2.46% a
month.  Out came the calculator and the card's conditions of use and what
resulted was total confusion. It just didn't add up.

The next day I rang the co. and spoke to [someone] in the cardholder
services dept [who sent a letter] detailing account transactions and the
formula for interest calculations. Again the calculator and again it just
didn't add up.  I rang again and was told I probably didn't understand such
a complicated matter and was assured it was right. I responded that I did
understand but did not agree with the amount of interest. [The services
rep.]  finally offered to personally go through the statement and manually
calculate the interest, adding: "When we do that we always come up with
something different to what the computer tells us."

Why was that?

"I don't know, it always happens. I think it's something to do with the way
it's programmed."

[On hearing this the reporter asked to speak with the manager and was refused.
After much obstruction she finally reached him.]

He was aware of my inquiry and said the accounts department had credited
$5.97 against the interest of $9.97. There appeared to have been an error, he
said. He would not say what caused the error. When I repeated the comments
made about the computer program he said he would look into it and give me an
answer as soon as possible.

Several days and many unanswered messages later I rang the manager again.
He had not looked into the problem any further. He thought I would forget
about it, he said.  He also said he could, if he wanted, redebit the $5.97
credit to my account.  On being asked why he would do this he said according
to the computer that was the correct amount.

I repeated my request for the matter to be investigated.

Two days later he phoned and said there was an error in the computer
program.  Interest had been charged incorrectly.  "There has been a mistake,
an unintentional mistake. We will take immediate steps to rectify the
situation." he said.

Michael Newbery


      (Martin Minow THUNDR::MINOW ML3-5/U26 223-9922)
Date: 21 Mar 88 12:37
Subject: Risks of automatic mailwatch reply programs

While I was on vacation last week, broiling under the mind-numbing sun of
Southern California and longing for the cool breezes of a late New England
winter, I left a "mail watch" program running on my office system.  When
mail arrived, it formatted a "I'll be out until Monday" response and sent it
back to the responder.

A few risks — some humorous, some not:

1. although the program is supposed to send only one response to an individual,
   it assumes that all name/node strings are different.  This means that a
   few people who send mailing lists from different machines or via different
   network paths got extra responses.  They were not always amused.

2. Within my company, many Usenet news groups are distributed by a mailer.
   This means that I receive a few daily messages from "NODE::USENET".
   My watcher dutifully replied.  This triggered a mail watcher on
   NODE::USENET which patiently explained to my mail watcher how to
   subscribe to the service.  Fortunately, the history file prevented
   this from escalating to a fullscale network war.

3. I received a query from someone wondering why my mail watcher sent
   him a reply.  It turned out that he had taken some software from
   an internal library/archive system that mails me a registration
   notice (good for monitoring bugs and waving at my boss at salary
   review time).

4. Ken Laws (who distributes the AI-digest) was kind enough to note a
   more serious risk of such programs:  by broadcasting a message that
   says "I'm out of town until March 20th" to anyone who sends me mail,
   it's easy for a thief to schedule my house for burglary.  Ken noted
   that one of the lists that discusses stereo equipment experienced
   some trouble along that line.

        [Same thing goes for FINGER/PLAN/... data.  PGN]

Census data availability <Joe Morris>
Mon, 21 Mar 88 09:13:40 EST
The recent postings concerning the integrity of the Federal Archives reminds
me of a report I saw a couple of years ago which claimed that there are
only two computers in existence which can read the 1960 Federal Census master
data tapes.  One is in Japan, and the other is in the Smithsonian's collection.
I don't know for sure, but I think that the machine used was a UNIVAC II,
which would be consistent with the absence of any UniServo-compatible drives
for current machines.

The point being made in the article (in Spectrum, I think) was that using
new technology is often desirable (or even necessary), but that a blind
reliance on that technology may leave you with unusable files if the
technology to use them becomes obsolete.

How many RISKS-readers work in shops which have long since removed the last
7-track tape drive?  OK, how many of you with hands up still have some users'
tapes in your library which were recorded on a 7-track drive?  How about
historical usage data tapes for the computer center itself?  (*blush*)

20 Mar 88 19:40
      (Martin Minow THUNDR::MINOW ML3-5/U26 223-9922)
Subject: I really don't believe this one — Cyber Foundation BBS [jejones]

TELECOM Digest                         Thursday, March 17, 1988 9:56PM
Volume 8, Issue 52

From: <atari!sun!mcrware!>
Subject: Cyber Foundation BBS
Date: 16 Mar 88 23:08:53 CST (Wed)

I've just read something in the "Computer Communications" column of the April
1988 *Computer Shopper* that I find HIGHLY disturbing and which I think should
be brought to the attention of modem users.  I quote the salient portion:

"In a recent issue of *Info-Mat* magazine, an online 'magazine' available on
170 selected BBSs across the country, it was reported that the feds have
underwritten a BBS to monitor the BBS user community, with an eye toward
taxation and regulation.  The Cyber Foundation BBS describes itself and its
system in a text file as 'a non-profit government-supported system run by
the United States Instructional Department. [has anyone ever heard of this
alleged organization?]  This system is a test for the government and FCC to
determine if bulletin board systems, non-paying information exchange systems,
should be charged for use.'

"The sysop of the Cyber Foundation BBS is Chris Regan, who has left messages
to the effect that he does not work for the government, but that the govern-
ment has paid for (part of?) the equipment and operating costs.  An elaboration
of the system's purpose as stated by sysop Regan in some online messages is,
'a test to see if bulletin boards, their phone lines, and others, should be
taxed or have a tariff placed on the information.'

"Other regulatory ideas discussed on the BBS by the sysop have included the
licensing of modems (similar to ham radio), and the licensing of BBSs, inclu-
ding the segregation of BBSs by computer type, and foregoing any semblance of
BBS privacy by giving a government official the right to log on and 'inspect'
all messages and files at random times.

"There is little justification for regulating computer communication via
telephone.  As a licensed ham radio operator, I understand the reasons why
transmission of voice or data over the radio spectrum are regulated, but none
of these reasons are applicable concerning telephone usage.  When I make a
call on my telephone, whether I communicate by voice or computer, it is a
private matter between the party I am calling and me.  The government has no
more business pursuing private messages I have left on a BBS than they do
voice messages I leave on a friend's answering machine.  The FCC has spent
the last several years reducing regulation on the radio services; there is
absolutely no reason for them to set up a whole new area of regulation in
the telephone service.

"These ideas for bureaucratic power grabbing, invasion of privacy, limitation
of free speech and government money grubbing need to be refuted before they
advance any further.  The Cyber Foundation BBS is located somewhere in
Connecticut and the phone number is (203) 264-5463.  I encourage you to
call it up and let your opinions be known (courteously, of course)."

[end quote]

I have called the phone number, and found a BBS that does indeed go by that
name, with the stated Chris Regan as sysop.  Those messages I looked at didn't
seem to discuss the issues mentioned in the *CS* article; however, any threat
to the Constitution merits investigation.  (I left a message with the sysop
expressing my concern.)  Does anyone out there know anything about this BBS?
Are the cited issues really under discussion there?  Thanks...
                                                              James Jones

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