Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


2 Mar 2005

Is there any call for an RSS feed for the comments on this weblog?

No particular demand from me; although I suppose it would help for those times where people comment on something way down the page...

Chris Kuan

It's not something I would personally use. It would be nice if there was a link to the comments page/popup for an entry in the main feed however.


Ha, it's only this post that made me realise there were comments.


it must be me, but the current RSS feed actually doesn't help me decide to read articles the way visiting the main page does and I don't know why. Maybe its firefox's model of RSS. But a well done comment chain by RSS would be good. <br /> <br /> declaration: I have previously stated I hate the javascript popup for comment. so I'm biassed.<br /> <br /> -G

George Michaelson


John Weeks