Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


7 Feb 2006

Bit Torrent is one of those real misnomers isn't it? Bit trickle more like it.


<P>BT only runs at a trickle if you have few sources of the file in your swarm, or (more likely) you haven't configured your router properly.</P> <P>On a well configured network with a popular file you will have no trouble in maxing out your bandwidth.</P>

Jim Webber

I can max out my 10meg connection on certain private torrent sites. And some public ones when its tv episodes


Beware packet shaping ISPs. I'm unsure about your island, but I know providers in Canada are shaping BT down to a trickle.


Same here down under (on a much larger island ;-) )

Chris Kuan

Lindsay is right. If they'd called it bittrickle it might have survived under-the-wire a bit longer.<br /> <br /> Mind you, fl00d-o-Pron probably would have got them closer to where they need to be..<br /> <br /> But this kind of linguistic problem is not new: how can a unibus talk to anything if there is only one of it? And why is the slowest part of the TV interlace the flyback? And since virtually all memory now works best if ordered requests for access are served, why is it still 'random' access memory?
