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 * Class to handle the Framework AJAX bean operation
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2020-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework\Framework\Ajax
 * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    namespace Framework\Ajax;

    use \Config\Framework as FW;
    use \Framework\Exception\BadOperation;
    use \Framework\Exception\BadValue;
    use \R;
 * AJAX operations on beans
    class Bean extends Ajax
 * @var array These permissions let the Site Admin manipulate the Framework internal tables. The first element is a
 *            bool indicating if a login is required, the second is a list of ['Context', 'Role'] pairs that a user
 *            must have. The third element is a list of accessible field names.
        private static array $permissions = [
            FW::AJAX        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::CSP         => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::CONFIG      => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::CONFIRM     => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::FLOOD       => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::FORM        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::FORMFIELD   => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::PAGE        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::PAGEROLE    => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::ROLECONTEXT => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::ROLENAME    => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::TABLE       => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::TEST        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::UPLOAD      => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::USER        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
        private string $model = '';
 * Call the ajaxResult method on a bean if it exists in its Model or else generate a 'no content' or 'created' if its a POST
        private function ajaxResult(\RedBeanPHP\OODBBean $bean, string $method) : void
 * @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition
 * @psalm-suppress ArgumentTypeCoercion
            if (\method_exists($this->model, 'ajaxResult'))
                $bean->ajaxResult($this->context, $method, 'bean');
            elseif ($method == 'post')
            { // this is a creation of a bean
                $this->context->web()->created($bean->getID()); // 201 return code

 *  make a new one /ajax/bean/KIND/
 * @param $beanType            The bean type
 * @param array<string> $rest  The rest of the URL
 * @param $log                 If TRUE then log the changes
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedMethod
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        private function post(string $beanType, array $rest, bool $log) : void
            $this->checkAccess($this->context->user(), $this->controller->permissions(static::class, self::$permissions), $beanType);
 * @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition
 * @psalm-suppress ArgumentTypeCoercion
            if (!\method_exists($this->model, 'add'))
            { // operation not supported
                throw new BadOperation('Cannot add a '.$beanType);
            /** @psalm-suppress InvalidStringClass */
            $bean = $this->model::add($this->context);
            if ($log)
                Support\BeanLog::mklog($this->context, Support\BeanLog::CREATE, $bean, '*', NULL);
            $this->ajaxResult($bean, 'post');
 * update a field using PATCH   /ajax/bean/KIND/ID/FIELD/[FN]
 * If FIELD has the value * then the formdata has several inputs named by field names, if it is a field
 * name then the form contains a single field called value. FN is not used at the moment but may become
 * the name of a function that is to be called, the exact details of how and when have yet to be decided.
 * @param $beanType            The bean type
 * @param array<string> $rest  The rest of the URL
 * @param $log                 If TRUE then log the changes
 * @param $method              patch or put - only needed because we are sharing put and patch because of bad routers.
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedMethod
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
        private function patch(string $beanType, array $rest, bool $log, string $method = 'patch') : void
            $perms = $this->controller->permissions(static::class, self::$permissions);
            [$id, $field] = $rest;
            $fdt = $this->context->formdata('put');
            $more = $rest[2] ?? NULL;
            $bean = $this->context->load($beanType, (int) $id, TRUE);
            $old = [];
            foreach ($field == '*' ? $fdt->fetchAll() : [$field => $fdt->mustFetch('value')] as $fname => $value)
                if (\is_array($value))
                { // we are looking at the form here so make sure there is no attempt to pass an array value
                    throw new BadValue('Arrays are not supported');
                $this->checkAccess($this->context->user(), $perms, $beanType, $fname); // can we access this field?
                if (!\Support\SiteInfo::hasField($beanType, $fname))
                { // check the field exists - RedBean will create it if not!!!! (unless frozen)
                    throw new BadValue($beanType.' has no such field as '.$fname);
                $old[$fname] = $bean->{$fname};
                $bean->{$fname} = \is_null($more) ? $value : $bean->{$more[0]}($value);
            if ($log)
                foreach ($old as $of => $ov)
                    Support\BeanLog::mklog($this->context, Support\BeanLog::UPDATE, $bean, $of, $ov);
            $this->ajaxResult($bean, $method);
 * Map put onto patch
 * Some routers out there do not support PUT so we subsititute patch.
 * @param $beanType             The bean type
 * @param array<string> $rest   The rest of the URL
 * @param $log                  If TRUE then log the changes
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedMethod
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
        private function put(string $beanType, array $rest, bool $log) : void
            $this->patch($beanType, $rest, $log, 'patch');
 * DELETE /ajax/bean/KIND/ID/
 * @param $beanType             The bean type
 * @param array<string> $rest   The rest of the URL
 * @param $log
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedMethod
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
        private function delete(string $beanType, array $rest, bool $log) : void
            $this->checkAccess($this->context->user(), $this->controller->permissions(static::class, self::$permissions), $beanType);
            $id = $rest[0] ?? 0; // get the id from the URL
            if (!\is_numeric($id) || $id <= 0)
                throw new BadValue('Missing value');
            $bean = $this->context->load($beanType, (int) $id);
            if ($log)
                Support\BeanLog::mklog($this->context, Support\BeanLog::DELETE, $bean, '*', \json_encode($bean->export()));
            R::trash($bean); // If there is a delete function in the model it will get called automatically.
 * GET /ajax/bean/KIND/ID/ - this
 * @param $beanType             The bean type
 * @param array<string> $rest   The rest of the URL
 * @param $log
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedMethod
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        private function get(string $beanType, array $rest, bool $log) : void
            $this->checkAccess($this->context->user(), $this->controller->permissions(static::class, self::$permissions), $beanType);
            $id = $rest[0] ?? 0; // get the id from the URL
            if (!\is_numeric($id) || $id <= 0)
                throw new BadValue('Missing value');
            $bean = $this->context->load($beanType, (int) $id);
            if (!\method_exists($this->model, 'ajaxGet'))
                throw new \Framework\Exception\BadOperation('GET is not supported');
            $bean->ajaxGet($this->context, $rest);
 * Carry out operations on beans
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\BadValue
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\Forbidden
        final public function handle() : void
            [$beanType, $rest] = $this->restCheck(1);
            $method = \strtolower($this->context->web()->method());
            if (!\method_exists(self::class, $method))
                throw new \Framework\Exception\BadOperation($method.' is not supported');
            /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedConstant */
            $this->model = (class_exists(FW::MODELPATH.$beanType) ? FW::MODELPATH : '\\Model\\').$beanType;
             * @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition
             * @psalm-suppress ArgumentTypeCoercion
            if (\method_exists($this->model, 'canAjaxBean'))
            { // permission checking for methods exists for this bean type
                /** @psalm-suppress InvalidStringClass */
                $this->model::canAjaxBean($this->context, $method);
            $this->{$method}($beanType, $rest, $this->controller->log($beanType));