The Framework Code


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 * Class to handle the Framework AJAX toggle operation
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2020-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework
 * @subpackage SystemAjax
    namespace Framework\Ajax;

    use \Config\Framework as FW;
 * Toggle a flag field in a bean
    class Toggle extends Ajax
        private static array $permissions = [
            FW::CONFIG      => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], ['local', 'fixed', 'defer', 'async'] ],
            FW::FORM        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], ['multipart'] ],
            // FW::FORMFIELD   => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::PAGE        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], ['needlogin', 'mobileonly', 'active', 'needajax', 'needfwutils', 'needfwdom', 'needvalidate', 'neededitable'] ],
            FW::ROLECONTEXT => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], ['fixed'] ],
            FW::ROLENAME    => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], ['fixed'] ],
            // FW::TABLE       => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], [] ],
            FW::TEST        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::DEVELROLE]], ['tog'] ], // table does not always exist
            FW::USER        => [ TRUE, [[FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE]], ['active', 'confirm', FW::ADMINROLE, FW::DEVELROLE] ], // the latter are special see below
 * Toggle a flag field in a bean
 * Note that for Roles the toggling is more complex and involves role removal/addition rather than
 * simply changing a value.
 * @internal
        final public function handle() : void
            //$rest = $this->context->rest();
            //if (count($rest) > 2)
            [$type, $bid, $field] = $this->restCheck(3);
            //else // this is legacy
            //    $fdt = $this->context->formdata('post');
            //    $type = $fdt->mustFetch('bean');
            //    $field = $fdt->mustFetch('field');
            //    $bid = $fdt->mustFetch('id');
            $this->checkAccess($this->context->user(), $this->controller->permissions(static::class, self::$permissions), $type, $field);
            $bn = $this->context->load($type, (int) $bid);
            if ($type === FW::USER && ctype_upper($field[0]) && $this->context->hasadmin())
            { // not simple toggling... and can only be done by the Site Administrator
                if (is_object($bn->hasrole(FW::FWCONTEXT, $field)))
                    $bn->delrole(FW::FWCONTEXT, $field);
                    $res = 0;
                    $bn->addrole(FW::FWCONTEXT, $field, '', $this->context->utcnow());
                    $res = 1;
                $res = $bn->$field = $bn->$field == 1 ? 0 : 1;
            echo $res;