The Framework Code


File List

 * Contains the definition of the Formdata Base class
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2020-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework
 * @subpackage FormData
    namespace Framework\FormData;

    use \Framework\Exception\BadValue;
 * A class that provides helpers for accessing form data
    class Base
 * @var array The array that contains the relevant values.
 *            It is protected rather than private as some items do not have Superglobals and set this value to an array;
        protected array $super;
 * Constructor
 * @param ?int  $which  The appropriate INPUT_ filter or NULL (which will be for PUT/PATCH...)
        public function __construct(protected ?int $which)
            if ($this->which !== NULL)
            { // we have nominated a superglobal
                $this->super = $this->getSuper($this->which);
                $this->super = [];
 * Utility functions
 *  Return the relevant Superglobal
 *  @TODO Change this to use match() when PHP 8 is released
        protected function getSuper(?int $which = NULL) : array
            switch($which ?? $this->which)
            case \INPUT_GET:
                return $_GET;
            case \INPUT_POST:
                return $_POST;
            case \INPUT_COOKIE:
                return $_COOKIE;
            case \INPUT_SERVER:
                return $_SERVER;
            case \INPUT_ENV:
                return $_ENV;
            case NULL:
                return $this->super;
            throw new BadValue('Invalid Superglobal constant');
 * Look in the specified array for a key and see if it exists
 * @internal
 * @param array|string    $keys       The key
 * @param mixed           $default    The default value if needed
 * @param bool            $throw      If TRUE then throw an execption if it does not exist
 * @param bool            $isArray    If TRUE then check that this is an array
 * @param ?int            $filter     Filter to apply or NULL
 * @param array|int       $options    Filter options
        final public function getValue(array|string $keys, $default = NULL, bool $throw = TRUE, bool $isArray = FALSE, ?int $filter = NULL, array|int $options = 0) : array
                $dt = $this->fetchFrom($keys, $default, TRUE, $filter, $options);
            catch (BadValue $e)
            { // does not exist
                if ($throw)
                    throw $e;
                return [FALSE, $default];
            if (is_array($dt))
                if (!$isArray)
                    if ($throw)
                        throw new BadValue('Form Item is an array');
                    return [FALSE, $default];
            elseif ($isArray)
                if ($throw)
                    throw new BadValue('Form Item is not an array');
                return [FALSE, $default];
            return [TRUE, $dt];
 * Utility function to dig out an element from a possibly multi-dimensional array
 * It would be nice to do this using array_reduce but that cannot work with Superglobals....
 * @internal
 * @throws BadValue
        private function find(array|string $keys) : array|string
            if (!\is_array($keys))
                $keys = [$keys];
            $part = $this->super;
            $etrack = [];
            while (TRUE) // iterate over the array of keys
                $key = \array_shift($keys);
                $etrack[] = $key;
                if (!isset($part[$key]))
                { // missing item so fail or return default
                    throw new BadValue('Missing form item: '.\implode('/', $etrack));
                $part = $part[$key];
                if (empty($keys))
                    break 1;
            return $part;
 * Utility function to fetch an element from a possibly multi-dimensional array
 * @internal
 * @param string[]  $keys       An array of keys
 * @param mixed     $default    A value to return if the item is missing and we are not failing
 * @param bool      $throw      If TRUE Then throw an exception rather than returning the default
 * @param ?int      $filter     A PHP filter
 * @param array|int $options    Filter options
 * @throws BadValue
        private function fetchFrom(array|string $keys, $default = NULL, bool $throw = FALSE, ?int $filter = NULL, array|int $options = 0) : array|string
            //if (!\is_array($keys))
            //    $keys = [$keys];
                $part = $this->find($keys);
            catch (BadValue $e)
            { // not there
                if ($throw)
                    throw $e;
                return $default;
            if (!is_array($part))
            { // don't try and trim an array!
                $part = trim($part);
                if (!empty($filter))
                { // need to apply a filter to the value
                    $part = \filter_var($part, $filter, $options);
                    if ($part === FALSE || $part === NULL)
                    { // it failed
                        if ($throw)
                            throw new BadValue('Filter failure '.$filter);
                        return $default;
                    $part = \trim($part);
            return $part;
 * Existence checking functions
 * Check for keys in the array
        public function exists(array|string $keys) : bool
            catch (BadValue)
            { // not there
                return FALSE;
            return TRUE;
 * Key(s) must be in array, otherwise throw
 * @throws BadValue
        public function mustExist(array|string $keys) : bool
            return TRUE;
 * Return TRUE if the  related Superglobal is not empty
 * Not 100% reliable for cookies but good for GET and POST
        public function hasForm() : bool
            return count($this->super) > 0;