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 * A model class for the RedBean object FormField
 * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a Framework system class - do not edit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2016-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework\Model
    namespace Framework\Model;

 * A class implementing a RedBean model for Form beans
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedClass
    final class FormField extends \RedBeanPHP\SimpleModel
 * @var array<string> Attributes that this supports
        private static array $attributes  = ['class', 'name', 'placeholder'];
  * @var int Counter used for generating new IDs
        private static int $lcount             = 1;
 * @var array The kinds of flags that fields can have
        private static array $flags = [
            'checked'       => ['Checked', TRUE, 0x01],
            'disabled'      => ['Disabled', FALSE, 0x02],
            'multiple'      => ['Multiple', TRUE, 0x04],
            'readonly'      => ['Readonly', FALSE, 0x08],
            'required'      => ['Required', FALSE, 0x10],
 * Handle a label
 * @param bool       $makefor    If TRUE then make a for attribute
 * @param string     $class      The class name
 * @param string     $inp        The input HTML
 * @return string   The field idval might be updated also
        public function doLabel(bool $makefor = TRUE, string $class = '', string $inp = '') : string
            if ($this->bean->label !== '')
                if ($makefor && $this->bean->idval === '')
                    $this->bean->idval = 'xxid'.self::$lcount;
                    self::$lcount += 1;
                return '<label'.($this->bean->idval !== '' ? ' for="'.$this->bean->idval.'"' : '').
                    ($class !== '' ? (' class="'.$class.'"') : '').'>'.$inp.$this->bean->label.'</label>';
            return '';
 * Render a field's attributes
 * @param string    $class    The class name
 * @param bool      $doValue  If TRUE Then add a value attribute
        public function fieldAttr(string $class, bool $doValue = TRUE) : string
            $attrs = self::$attributes;
            if ($doValue)
            { // include the value in the attributes
                $attrs[] = 'value';
            switch ($this->bean->type)
            case 'textarea':
            case 'recaptcha':
                $attrs[] = 'type';
            $res = ['']; // ensures a space at the start of the result
            if ($this->bean->idval !== '')
                $res[] = 'id="'.$this->bean->idval.'"';
            if ($class !== '')
            { // add a standard class
                $this->bean->class = trim($class.' '.$this->bean->class);
            foreach ($attrs as $atr)
                if ($this->bean->$atr !== '')
                    $res[] = $atr.'="'.$this->bean->$atr.'"';
            foreach (self::$flags as $atr)
                if ($this->bean->flags & $atr[2])
                    $res[] = $atr[0].'="'.$atr[0].'"';
            if ($this->bean->other !== '')
                $res[] = $this->bean->other;
            return \implode(' ', $res);