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 * A model class for the RedBean object FWConfig
 * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a Framework system class - do not edit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2018-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework\Model
    namespace Framework\Model;

    use \Config\Framework as FW;
    use \Support\Context;
 * A class implementing a RedBean model for fwconfig beans
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedClass
    final class FWConfig extends \RedBeanPHP\SimpleModel
 * @var array<array<bool>>   Key is name of field and the array contains flags for checks
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
        private static array $editfields = [
            'value'       => [TRUE, FALSE],         // [NOTEMPTY, CHECK/RADIO]
            'integrity'   => [FALSE, FALSE],
            'crossorigin' => [FALSE, FALSE],
            'defer'       => [FALSE, TRUE],
            'async'       => [FALSE, TRUE],
            'type'        => [TRUE, FALSE],

        use \ModelExtend\FWEdit;
        use \ModelExtend\MakeGuard;
 * Check for a URL or // URL or a local filename - return value or throw
 * @param $type For error message
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\BadValue
        public function checkURL(string $type) : void
            if (\filter_var($this->bean->value, \FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === FALSE)
            { // not a straightforward URL
                if (!\preg_match('#^(%BASE%/|//?).+#', $this->bean->value))
                { // not a canonical URL
                    throw new \Framework\Exception\BadValue('Invalid value for '.$type.' item');
 * Function called when a page bean is updated - do error checking in here
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\BadValue
        public function update() : void
            $this->bean->name = strtolower($this->bean->name);
            if (!\preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*/', $this->bean->name))
                throw new \Framework\Exception\BadValue('Invalid config item name');
            switch (\strtolower($this->bean->type))
            case 'boolean':
                if (($x = \filter_var($this->bean->value, \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, \FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE)) === NULL)
                    throw new \Framework\Exception\BadValue('Invalid value for boolean item');
                $this->bean->value = $x ? 1 : 0;
            case 'css':
            case 'integer':
                if (\filter_var($this->bean->value, \FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === FALSE)
                    throw new \Framework\Exception\BadValue('Invalid value for integer item');
            case 'js':
            case 'string':
                throw new \Framework\Exception\BadValue('Invalid config item type: '.$this->bean->type);
 * Add a new FWConfig bean
 * @see Framework\Ajax::bean
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\BadValue
        public static function add(Context $context) : \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean
            $fdt = $context->formdata('post');
            $name = $fdt->mustFetch('name');
            $bn = \R::findOne(FW::CONFIG, 'name=?', [$name]);
            if (\is_object($bn))
                throw new \Framework\Exception\BadValue('Config item exists');
            $bn = \R::dispense(FW::CONFIG);
            $bn->name = $name;
            $bn->value = $fdt->mustFetch('value');
            $bn->local = $fdt->fetch('local', 0);
            $bn->fixed = 0;
            $bn->integrity = '';
            $bn->defer = 0;
            return $bn;
 * Setup for an edit
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        public function startEdit(Context $context) : void
 * Handle an edit form for this fwconfig item
 * @return  array   [TRUE if error, [error messages]]
        public function edit(Context $context) : array
            $emess = $this->dofields($context->formdata('post'));
            return [!empty($emess), $emess];
 * Handle an update from the page updater
 * @param $cdata  Update values from the json updater
 * @param $base   Relocation to make local URLS
 * @param $doit   If TRUE then update
        public function doUpdate(object $cdata, string $base, bool $doit) : string
            if ($this->bean->local === 0)
            { // update if not locally set and there is a new value
                $change = FALSE;
                $cdata->value = \preg_replace('/%BASE%/', $base, $cdata->value); // relocate to this base.
                $diff = [];
                foreach ($cdata as $k => $v)
                    if ($this->bean->$k != $v)
                        $diff[] = $k;
                        if ($doit)
                            $this->bean->$k = $v;
                        $change = TRUE;
                if ($change)
                    if ($doit)
                    return $cdata->value.' changed fields: '.\implode(' ', $diff);
            return '';