The Framework Code


File List

 * A model class for the RedBean object Page
 * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a Framework system class - do not edit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2017-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework\Model
    namespace Framework\Model;

    use \Config\Framework as FW;
    use \Framework\Dispatch;
    use \Framework\Exception\BadValue;
    use \Support\Context;
 * A class implementing a RedBean model for Page beans
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedClass
    final class Page extends \RedBeanPHP\SimpleModel
 * @var string   The type of the bean that stores roles for this page
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
        private string $roletype = FW::PAGEROLE;
 * @var array<array<bool>>   Key is name of field and the array contains flags for checkboxes
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
        private static array $editfields = [
            'name'          => [TRUE, FALSE],
            'kind'          => [TRUE, FALSE],
            'source'        => [TRUE, FALSE],
            'active'        => [TRUE, TRUE],
            'mobileonly'    => [TRUE, TRUE],
            'needlogin'     => [TRUE, TRUE],
            'needajax'      => [TRUE, TRUE],
            'needfwutils'   => [TRUE, TRUE],
            'needfwdom'   => [TRUE, TRUE],
            'needvalidate'   => [TRUE, TRUE],
            'neededitable'  => [TRUE, TRUE],

        use \ModelExtend\FWEdit;
        use \Framework\Support\HandleRole;
        use \ModelExtend\MakeGuard;
 * Function called when a page bean is updated - do error checking in here
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\BadValue
        public function update() : void
            $this->bean->name = \strtolower($this->bean->name);
            if (!\preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*/', $this->bean->name))
                throw new BadValue('Invalid page name');
            \Framework\Dispatch::check($this->bean->kind, $this->bean->source);
 * Check user can access the page - does not return if they cannot
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullReference - we know we have a user when we call context->user
        public function check(Context $context) : void
            if ($this->bean->needlogin)
                if (!$context->hasuser())
                { // not logged in
                    $context->divert('/login/?goto='.\urlencode($context->local()->debase($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])), TRUE, 'You must login');
                    /* NOT REACHED */
                if (\R::count(FW::PAGEROLE, 'page_id=?', [$this->bean->getID()]) > 0)
                { // there are roles to check
                    $match = \R::getCell('select count( = count( and count( != 0 from '.FW::USER.
                        ' as u inner join role as r on = r.'.FW::USER.'_id inner join (select * from '.
                        FW::PAGEROLE.' where '.FW::PAGE.'_id=?) as p on p.'.FW::ROLENAME.'_id = r.'.FW::ROLENAME.
                        '_id and p.'.FW::ROLECONTEXT.'_id = r.'.FW::ROLECONTEXT.'_id where',
                        [$this->bean->getID(), $context->user()->getID()]);
                    if (!$match ||                                          // User does not have all the required roles
                        ($this->bean->mobileonly && !$context->hasToken())) // not mobile and logged in
                        \Framework\Dispatch::basicSetup($context, 'error');
                        $context->web()->sendString($context->local()->getRender('@error/403.twig'), \Framework\Web\Web::HTMLMIME, \Framework\Web\StatusCodes::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
 * Make a twig file if we have permission and it does not exist already
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\InternalError
        private static function makeTwig(Context $context, array $fileName) : void
            $file = $context->local()->makebasepath('twigs', ...$fileName);
            if (!\file_exists($file))
            { // make the file
                if (!\copy($context->local()->makebasepath('twigs', 'content', 'sample.txt'), $file))
                    throw new \Framework\Exception\InternalError('Cannot create '.$file);
 * Handle an object page
        private static function doObject(Context $context, \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean $page)
            if (!\preg_match('/\\\\/', $page->source))
            { // no namespace so put it in \Pages
                $page->source = '\\Pages\\'.$page->source;
            $tl = \strtolower($page->source);
            $tspl = \explode('\\', $page->source);
            $base = \array_pop($tspl);
            $lbase = \strtolower($base);
            $namespace = \implode('\\', \array_filter($tspl));
            $src = \preg_replace('/\\\\/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $tl).'.php';
            $file = $context->local()->makebasepath('class', $src);
            if (!\file_exists($file))
            { // make the file
                $fd = \fopen($file, 'w');
                if ($fd !== FALSE)
                    \fwrite($fd, $context->local()->getRender('@util/pagesample.twig', ['pagename' => $page->name, 'namespace' => $namespace]));
                    throw new \Framework\Exception\InternalError('Cannot create PHP file');
            self::makeTwig($context, ['content', $lbase.'.twig']); // make a basic twig if there is not one there already.
 * Handle a template page
        public static function doTemplate(Context $context, \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean $page) : void
            if (!\preg_match('/\.twig$/', $page->source))
            { // doesn't end in .twig
                $page->source .= '.twig';
            { // sometimes there are extra .twig extensions...
                $page->source = \preg_replace('/(\.twig)+$/', '.twig', $page->source); // this removes extra .twigs .....
            if (!\preg_match('/^@/', $page->source))
                if (\preg_match('#/#', $page->source))
                { // has directory separator characters in it so leave it alone - may be new top-level twig directory.
                    $name = $page->source;
                { // no namespace so put it in @content
                    $page->source = '@content/'.$page->source;
                    $name = ['content', $page->source];
            elseif (\preg_match('%^@content/(.*)%', $page->source, $m))
            { // this is in the User twig content directory
                $name = ['content', $m[1]];
            elseif (\preg_match('%@([a-z]+)/(.*)%', $page->source, $m))
            { // this is using a system twig
                $name = ['framework', $m[1], $m[2]];
                throw new \Framework\Exception\BadValue('Not recognised');
            self::makeTwig($context, $name);
 * Add a Page
 * This will be called from ajax.php
 * @param Context   $context    The context object for the site
        public static function add(Context $context) : \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean
            $fdt = $context->formdata('post');
            $page = \R::dispense(FW::PAGE);
            foreach (['name', 'kind', 'source'] as $fld)
            { // mandatory
                $page->{$fld} = $fdt->mustFetch($fld);
            foreach (['active', 'needlogin', 'mobileonly', 'needajax', 'needfwutils', 'needfwdom', 'needvalidate', 'neededitable'] as $fld)
            { // optional flags
                $page->{$fld} = $fdt->fetch($fld, 0);
                foreach ($fdt->fetchArray('context') as $ix => $cid)
                { // context, role, start, end, otherinfo
                    if ($cid !== '')
                            $fdt->mustFetchBean(['context', $ix], FW::ROLECONTEXT),  // the context id
                            $fdt->mustFetchBean(['role', $ix], FW::ROLENAME),        // the rolename id
                            $fdt->mustFetch(['otherinfo', $ix]),
                            $fdt->mustFetch(['start', $ix]),
                            $fdt->mustFetch(['end', $ix])
                switch ($page->kind)
                case Dispatch::OBJECT:
                    self::doObject($context, $page);
                case Dispatch::TEMPLATE:
                    self::doTemplate($context, $page);
                case Dispatch::REDIRECT:
                case Dispatch::REHOME:
                case Dispatch::XREDIRECT:
                case Dispatch::XREHOME:
/** @todo check that the values passed in make sense */
                return $page;
            catch (\Throwable $e)
            { // clean up the page we made above. This will cascade delete any pageroles that might have been created
                throw $e; // throw it up to the handlers above
 * Setup for an edit - nothing to do for pages at the moment.
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        public function startEdit(Context $context, array $rest) : void
 * Handle an edit form for this page
 * @return array [TRUE if error, [error messages]]
        public function edit(Context $context) : array
            $emess = $this->dofields($context->formdata('post'));

            $admin = $this->hasrole(FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE);
            if (\is_object($devel = $this->hasrole(FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::DEVELROLE)) && !\is_object($admin))
            { // if we need developer then we also need admin
                $admin = $this->addrole(FW::FWCONTEXT, FW::ADMINROLE, '-', $devel->start, $devel->end);
            if (\is_object($admin) && !$this->bean->needlogin)
            { // if we need admin then we also need login!
                $this->bean->needlogin = 1;
            return [!empty($emess), $emess];