The Framework Code


File List

 * Contains definition of Admin class
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2012-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework
 * @subpackage SystemPages
    namespace Framework\Pages;

    use \Config\Framework as FW;
    use \Support\Context;
 * A class that contains code to handle any /admin related requests.
 * Admin status is checked in index.php so does not need to be done here.
    final class Admin extends \Framework\SiteAction
        private const EDITABLE = [FW::TABLE, FW::FORM, FW::CONFIG, FW::PAGE, FW::USER];
        private const VIEWABLE = [FW::TABLE, FW::FORM];
        private const NOTMODEL = [FW::TABLE];
        //private const HASH     = 'sha384';

        use \Support\NoCache; // don't cache admin pages.
 * Calculate integrity checksums for local js and css files
 * @param \Support\Context   $context
 * @return void
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedMethod
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements
        //private function checksum(Context $context) : void
        //    chdir($context->local()->basedir()); // make sure we are in the root of the site
        //    $base = $context->local()->base();
        //    foreach ($context->local()->allconfig() as $fwc)
        //    {
        //        switch ($fwc->type)
        //        {
        //        case 'css':
        //        case 'js':
        //            if (!preg_match('#^(//|htt)#', $fwc->value)) // this is a local file
        //            {
        //                $fname = $fwc->value;
        //                if ($base != '/' && $base !== '')
        //                { // if there are sub directories then we need to remove them as we are there already...
        //                    if (preg_match('#^'.$base.'(.*)#', $fname, $m))
        //                    {
        //                        $fname = $m[1];
        //                        $fv = '%BASE%'.$fname;
        //                    }
        //                    else
        //                    {
        //                        $context->local()->message(\Framework\Local::ERROR, 'Could not de-base '.$fname.' ('.$base.')');
        //                        break;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    $fv = $fname;
        //                }
        //                $hash = hash(self::HASH, file_get_contents('.'.$fname), TRUE);
        //                $fwc->value = $fv;
        //                $fwc->integrity = self::HASH.'-'.base64_encode($hash);
        //                $fwc->crossorigin = 'anonymous';
        //                \R::store($fwc);
        //            }
        //            break;
        //        }
        //    }
 * Edit admin items
 * @param Context           $context  The Context object
 * @param array<string>     $rest     The rest of the URL
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\Forbidden
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\ParameterCount
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\InternalError
        private function edit(Context $context, array $rest) : string
            if (count($rest) < 3)
                throw new \Framework\Exception\ParameterCount('Too few parameters');
            $kind = $rest[1];
            if (!in_array($kind, self::EDITABLE))
                throw new \Framework\Exception\Forbidden('Not editable');
            if (($notmodel = \in_array($kind, self::NOTMODEL)))
                $class = '\\Framework\\Support\\'.$kind;
                    /** @psalm-suppress InvalidStringClass */
                    $obj = new $class($rest[2]);
                catch (\Throwable $e)
                    $context->local()->message(\Framework\Local::ERROR, $e->getMessage());
                    $obj = NULL;
                $obj = $context->load($kind, (int) $rest[2]);
            $context->local()->addval('bean', $obj);
            if (\is_object($obj))
                $obj->startEdit($context, $rest); // do any special setup that the edit requires
                if (($bid = $context->formdata('post')->fetch('bean', '')) !== '')
                { // this is a post
                    if (($notmodel && $bid != $kind) || $bid != $obj->getID())
                    { // something odd...
                        throw new \Framework\Exception\BadValue('Bean param');
                        [$error, $emess] = $obj->edit($context); // handle the edit result
                    catch (\Throwable $e)
                        $error = TRUE;
                        $emess = $e->getMessage();
                    if ($error)
                        $context->local()->message(\Framework\Local::ERROR, $emess);
                    // The edit call might divert to somewhere else so sometimes we may not get here.
                    $context->local()->message(\Framework\Local::MESSAGE, 'Saved');
            return '@edit/'.$kind.'.twig';
 * View admin items
 * @param Context           $context  The Context object
 * @param array<string>     $rest     The rest of the URL
        private function view(Context $context, array $rest) : string
            if (\count($rest) < 3)
                throw new \Framework\Exception\ParameterCount('Too few parameters');
            $kind = $rest[1];
            if (!\in_array($kind, self::VIEWABLE))
                throw new \Framework\Exception\Forbidden('Not Viewable');
            if (\in_array($kind, self::NOTMODEL))
                $class = '\\Framework\\Support\\'.$kind;
                    /** @psalm-suppress InvalidStringClass */
                    $obj = new $class($rest[2]);
                catch (\Throwable $e)
                    $context->local()->message(\Framework\Local::ERROR, $e->getMessage());
                    $obj = NULL;
                $obj = $context->load($kind, (int) $rest[2]);
            if (is_object($obj))
                $obj->view($context, $rest); // do any required set up
                $context->local()->addval('bean', $obj);
            return '@view/'.$kind.'.twig';
 * Check for version updates and update config info. Check for new CSP needed
 * @param Context    $context  The Context object
        private function update(Context $context) : string
            $doit = $context->formdata('get')->fetch('update', 0) == 1;
            $updated = [];
            $newCSP = [];
            $upd = \json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
            if (isset($upd->fwconfig))
            { // now see if there are any config values that need updating.
                $base = $context->local()->base();
                foreach ($upd->fwconfig as $cname => $cdata)
                    if (\strpos($cdata->value, '%BASE%') === FALSE && $context->web()->checkCSP($cdata->value, $cdata->type))
                        $newCSP[] = [$cdata->value, $cdata->type];
                    $lval = \R::findOne(FW::CONFIG, 'name=?', [$cname]);
                    if (\is_object($lval))
                        if (($upderr = $lval->doupdate($cdata, $base, $doit)) !== '')
                            $updated[$cname] = $upderr;
                        $lval = \R::dispense(FW::CONFIG);
                        $lval->name = $cname;
                        $lval->local = 0;
                        foreach ($cdata as $k => $v)
                            $lval->$k = \preg_replace('/%BASE%/', $base, $v); // relocate to this base.
                        $updated[$cname] = $cdata->value;
                if (isset($upd->message))
                { // there is a message about the update
                    $context->local()->message(\Framework\Local::MESSAGE, $upd->message);
                $current = \trim(\file_get_contents($context->local()->makebasepath('version.txt')));
                    'version'   => $upd->version,
                    'older'     => \version_compare($current, $upd->version, '<'),
                    'updated'   => $updated,
                    'done'      => $doit,
                    'current'   => $current,
                    'newcsp'    => $newCSP,
            return '@admin/update.twig';
 * Go offline (or online)
 * Remember that if you go offline rather than adminonly you have to remove the file by hand to get back online!
 * @param Context   $context    The Context object
        private function offline(Context $context)
            $local = $context->local();
            $adon = $local->makebasepath('admin', 'adminonly');
            $adminonly = \file_exists($adon);
            $fdt = $context->formdata('post');
            if ($fdt->hasForm())
            { // it's a post
                $msg = $fdt->mustFetch('msg');
                $onlyadmin = $fdt->fetch('onlyadmin', 0);
                $online = $fdt->fetch('online', 0);
                if ($adminonly && ($online || $fdt->fetch('deladonly', 0) == 1))
                if ($online == 0)
                    $file = $onlyadmin == 1 ? $adon : $local->makebasepath('admin', 'offline');
                    $fd = \fopen($file, 'w');
                    \fputs($fd, $msg);
                    $adminonly = FALSE;
                $local->message(\Framework\Local::MESSAGE, 'Done');
                'adminonly' => $adminonly,
            return '@admin/offline.twig';
 * Handle various admin operations /admin/xxxx
 * @param Context  $context    The context object for the site
        public function handle(Context $context) : array|string
            $rest = $context->rest();
            $context->setpages(); // most of the pages use pagination so get values if any
            switch ($rest[0])
            case 'beans': // Look at the beans in the database
                $context->local()->addval('all', $context->hasadmin() && $context->formdata('get')->exists('all'));
                $tpl = '@admin/beans.twig';
            case 'checksum': // calculate checksums for locally included files
                $context->local()->message(\Framework\Local::WARNING, 'Currently not supported');
                $tpl = '@admin/admin.twig';
            case 'config':  // show and add config items
                $tpl = '@admin/config.twig';
            case 'contexts': // show and add contexts
                $tpl = '@admin/contexts.twig';
            case 'edit': // Edit something - forms, user, pages...
                $tpl = $this->edit($context, $rest);
            case 'forms': // show and add forms
                $tpl = '@admin/forms.twig';
            case 'info': // generate phpinfo page
                $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = '*************'; // hide the password in case it is showing.
                exit; // phpinfo display is all we need
            case 'offline':
                $tpl = $this->offline($context);
            case 'pages':  // show and add pages
                $tpl = '@admin/pages.twig';
            case 'roles': // show and add roles
                $tpl = '@admin/roles.twig';
            case 'update': // See if we need an update
                $tpl = $this->update($context);
            case 'users': //show and add users
                $tpl = '@admin/users.twig';
            case 'view': // view something - forms only at the moment
                $tpl = $this->view($context, $rest);
                $tpl = '@admin/admin.twig';
            return $tpl;
