The Framework Code


File List

 * Class for handling csp error report messages
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2018-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework
 * @subpackage SystemPages
    namespace Framework\Pages;

    use \Config\Config;
    use \Support\Context;
 * A class that contains code to implement a contact page
    class CSPReport extends \Framework\SiteAction
 * Handle various contact operations /contact
 * @param Context  $context    The context object for the site
        public function handle(Context $context) : array|string
            $context->local()->sendmail([Config::SYSADMIN], Config::SITENAME.' CSP Error Report',
                 file_get_contents('php://input'), // get the JSON report
                 '', ['From' => 'CSP Report <'.Config::SITENOREPLY.'>']);
//            return ['', '', \Framework\Web\StatusCodes::HTTP_NO_CONTENT];