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 * Contains definition of Twig Rendering class
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2012-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework\Framework\Presentation
    namespace Framework\Presentation;

    use \Framework\Web\Web;
 * Base class for other Twig like renderers
    abstract class Render
 * @var array Contains string names for the message constants - used for Template variables
        protected static array $msgnames  = ['fwerrmessage', 'fwwarnmessage', 'fwmessage'];
 * @var array    Key/value array of data to pass into template renderer
        protected array $tvals          = [];
 * @var array<array>    Stash away messages so that the renderer can treat them properly
        protected array $messages       = [[], [], []];
 * @var ?object
        protected ?object $engine       = NULL;
 * Initialise template engine
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        public function __construct(\Framework\Local $local, array $options = [])
 * Calls a user defined function with Render object as a parameter.
 * The user can then add extensions, filters etc.
 * @param callable     $fn      A user defined function
        public function extendEngine(callable $fn) : void
 * Add a global template variable
 * @param string   $name
 * @param mixed    $value
        abstract public function addGlobal(string $name, $value) : void;
 * Add a template engine extension
 * @param object $plugin
        abstract public function addExtension(object $plugin) : void;
 * Enable debugging mode
        abstract public function enableDebug() : void;
 * Render a template and return the string - do nothing if the template is the empty string
 * @param string    $tpl    The template
 * @param mixed[]   $vals   Values to set for the renderer
        abstract public function getRender(string $tpl, array $vals = []) : string;
 * Render a template - do nothing if the template is the empty string
 * @param string   $tpl       The template
 * @param mixed[]  $vals      Values to set for the twig
 * @param string   $mimeType
 * @param int      $status
        public function render(string $tpl, array $vals = [], string $mimeType = Web::HTMLMIME, int $status = \Framework\Web\StatusCodes::HTTP_OK) : void
            if ($tpl !== '')
                Web::getinstance()->sendstring($this->getrender($tpl, $vals), $mimeType, $status);
 * Add a value into the values stored for rendering the template
 * @param array|string    $vname    The name to be used inside the twig or an array of key/value pairs
 * @param mixed           $value    The value to be stored or "" if an array in param 1
 * @param bool            $tglobal  If TRUE add this as a twig global variable
 * @throws \Framework\Exception\InternalError
        public function addval(array|string $vname, $value = '', bool $tglobal = FALSE) : void
            \assert(\is_object($this->engine)); // Should never be called if Twig is not initialised.
            if (!\is_array($vname))
                $vname = [$vname => $value];
            foreach ($vname as $key => $aval)
                if ($tglobal)
                    $this->addGlobal($key, $aval);
                    $this->tvals[$key] = $aval;
 * Add a message into the messages stored for rendering the template
 * The currently supported values for kind are :
 *      \Framework\Local\ERROR
 *      \Framework\Local\WARNING
 *      \Framework\Local\MESSAGE
 * To have your Twig deal with these you need
 * {% include '@util/message.twig %}
 * somewhere in the relevant twig (usually at the top of the main body)
 * @param int            $kind   The kind of message
 * @param array|string   $value  The value to be stored or an array of values
        public function message(int $kind, array|string $value) : void
            if (\is_array($value))
                $this->messages[$kind] = \array_merge($this->messages[$kind], $value);
                $this->messages[$kind][] = $value;
 * Clear out messages
 * @param ?int    $kind   Either NULL for all messages or a specific kind
        public function clearMessages(?int $kind = NULL) : void
            if (\is_null($kind))
                $this->messages = [[], [], []];
                $this->messages[$kind] = [];
 * Clear out values
        public function clearValues() : void
            $this->tvals = [];