The Framework Code


File List

 * A trait that implements the table functions for siteinfo
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2019-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework
    namespace Framework\Support;

    use \R;
 * Adds functions for manipulating tables
    trait SITable
        private static array $fields = []; // Field information for tables
 * Check to see if a table exists - utility function used by AJAX
        public static function tableExists(string $table) : bool
            return \in_array(\strtolower($table), R::inspect());
  * Check to see if a table has a given field
        public static function hasField(string $table, string $field) : bool
            if (!isset(self::$fields[$table]))
                self::$fields[$table] = R::inspect($table);
            return isset(self::$fields[$table][$field]);
 * Check if table is a framework table
 * @param string $table
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod
        public static function isFWTable(string $table) : bool
            return \in_array($table, self::$fwtables); // @phan-suppress-current-line PhanUndeclaredStaticProperty
 * Number of tables
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod
        public static function tablecount(bool $all = FALSE) : int
            $x = \count(R::inspect());
            return $all ? $x : $x - \count(self::$fwtables); // @phan-suppress-current-line PhanUndeclaredStaticProperty
 * Return bean table data
 * @param bool    $all  If TRUE then return all beans, otherwise just non-framework beans.
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod
        public function tables(bool $all = FALSE, int $start = -1, int $count = -1) : array
            $beans = [];
            foreach(R::inspect() as $tab)
                if ($all || !self::isFWTable($tab))
                    $beans[] = new \Framework\Support\Table($tab);
            return $start < 0 ? $beans : \array_slice($beans, ($start - 1) * $count, $count);