The Framework Code


File List

 * Contains definition of Test class
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2020-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework
 * @subpackage SystemSupport
    namespace Framework\Support;

    use \Framework\Local;
    use \Support\Context;
 * A class that handles various site testing related things
    class TestSupport
        private Local $local;
        private \Framework\FormData\AccessBase $fdt;
        private bool $noform = FALSE;
 * Constructor
 * @param Context $context
 * @param string  $type         get, post etc.
        public function __construct(private Context $context, string $type)
            $this->local = $context->local();
            $this->fdt = $context->formdata($type);
            $this->noform = $context->web()->method() == 'GET' && !isset($_GET['exist']) && !isset($_GET['cookie']);
 * Displayable version of data
 * @param mixed $pars
 * @param bool $all
        private function display($pars, $all = FALSE) : string
            $x = preg_replace('/array\(/', '[', preg_replace('/,\)/', ']', preg_replace('/\d=>/', '', preg_replace('/\s+/ims', '', var_export($pars, TRUE)))));
            return preg_replace('/\[\)/', '[]', preg_replace('/,/', ', ', $all ? $x : substr($x, 1, strlen($x)-2)));
 * Run tests specified
        private function test(string $func, array $params, $result, bool $throwOK) : bool
            if ($this->noform)
                return TRUE;
            $this->local->addval('array', var_export($_REQUEST, TRUE));
            $msg = $func.'('.$this->display($params).') : '.$this->display($result, TRUE);
            if ($result === 'userid')
                $result = $this->context->user()->getID();
                $res = $this->fdt->{$func}(...$params);
                if (is_object($res))
                    if (is_array($result) && $result[0] == 'iterator')
                        if ($res instanceof \ArrayIterator)
                            foreach ($res as $key => $value)
                                if (!isset($result[1][$key]))
                                    $this->local->message(Local::ERROR, $msg.' FAIL : got ArrayIterator with incorrect key '.$key.'/'.$value);
                                    return FALSE;
                                if ($value != $result[1][$key])
                                    $this->local->message(Local::ERROR, $msg.' FAIL : got ArrayIterator expected '.$key.'/'.$result[1][$key].' got '.$key.'/'.$value);
                                    return FALSE;
                            $this->local->message(Local::MESSAGE, $msg.' OK : expected ArrayIterator got '.$res::class);
                            return TRUE;
                        $this->local->message(Local::ERROR, $msg.' FAIL : expected ArrayIterator got '.$res::class);
                    elseif ($res instanceof \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean)
                        $this->local->message(Local::MESSAGE, $msg.' OK : expected \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean got '.$res::class.' id='.$this->display($res->getID(), TRUE));
                        return TRUE;
                        $this->local->message(Local::ERROR, $msg.' FAIL : expected \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean got '.$res::class);
                elseif (is_array($result))
                    if (is_array($res))
                        $diff = array_diff($res, $result);
                        if (empty($diff))
                            $this->local->message(Local::MESSAGE, $msg.' OK : expected '.$this->display($result, TRUE).' got '.$this->display($res, TRUE));
                            return TRUE;
                        $this->local->message(Local::ERROR, $msg.' FAIL : expected '.$this->display($result, TRUE).' got '.$this->display($res, TRUE).' diff '.$this->display($diff, TRUE));
                        return FALSE;
                    $this->local->message(Local::ERROR, $msg.' FAIL : expected array '.$this->display($result, TRUE).' got '.$this->display($res, TRUE));
                    if ($res === $result)
                        $this->local->message(Local::MESSAGE, $msg.' OK : expected '.$this->display($result, TRUE).' got '.$this->display($res, TRUE));
                        return TRUE;
                    $this->local->message(Local::ERROR, $msg.' FAIL : expected '.($throwOK ? 'exception' : $this->display($result, TRUE)).' got '.$this->display($res, TRUE));
            catch (\Framework\Exception\BadValue $e)
                $this->local->message($throwOK ? Local::MESSAGE : Local::ERROR, $msg.' throws exception: '.$e::class.' '.$e->getMessage());
                return $throwOK;
            catch (\Framework\Exception\MissingBean $e)
                $this->local->message($throwOK ? Local::MESSAGE : Local::ERROR, $msg.' throws exception: '.$e::class.' '.$e->getMessage());
                return $throwOK;
            catch (\Throwable $e)
                $this->local->message(Local::ERROR, $msg.' throws exception: '.$e::class.' '.$e->getMessage());
            return FALSE;
 * Run tests
        public function run(array $tests) : void
            if ($this->fdt instanceof \Framework\FormData\Base)
                $this->local->message(Local::MESSAGE, 'hasForm returns '.($this->fdt->hasForm() ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE').' for '.$this->fdt::class);
            foreach ($tests as $test)
                [$func, $params, $result, $ok] = $test;
                $this->test($func, $params, $result, !$ok);