The Framework Code


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 * A trait that implements various response functions
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2019-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework
    namespace Framework\Web;

 * Adds functions for sending response headers
    trait Response
 * Send a 204 response - OK but no content
        public function noContent() : void
 * Send a 201 response - Created
 * @param string  $value  a string to return
 * @param string  $mime   the mimetype
        public function created(string $value, string $mime = 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8') : void
            $this->sendString($value, $mime, \Framework\Web\StatusCodes::HTTP_CREATED);
 * Send a 304 response - this assumes that the Etag etc. have been set up using the set304Cache function in the \Support\SiteAction class
 * @see \Support\SiteAction
        public function send304() : void
 * Generate a 400 Bad Request error return
 * @param string    $msg    A message to be sent
 * @psalm-return never-return
        public function bad(string $msg = '') : void
            $this->sendhead(StatusCodes::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, $msg);
 * Generate a 403 Access Denied error return
 * @param string    $msg    A message to be sent
 * @psalm-return never-return
        public function noAccess(string $msg = '') : void
            $this->sendHead(StatusCodes::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, $msg);
 * Generate a 404 Not Found error return
 * @param string    $msg    A message to be sent
 * @psalm-return never-return
        public function notFound(string $msg = '') : void
            $this->sendHead(StatusCodes::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, $msg);
 * Generate a 500 Internal Error error return
 * @param string    $msg    A message to be sent
 * @psalm-return never-return
        public function internal(string $msg = '') : void
            $this->sendHead(StatusCodes::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $msg);