The Framework Code


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 * StatusCodes provides named constants for
 * HTTP protocol status codes. Written for the
 * Recess Framework (
 * @author Kris Jordan
 * @license MIT
 * @package recess.http
/* Modfied by LFM to separate the message text from the code number */
    namespace Framework\Web;

 * Contains definition of StatusCodes class
    class StatusCodes
    // [Informational 1xx]
        public const HTTP_CONTINUE                         = 100;
        public const HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS              = 101;
    // [Successful 2xx]
        public const HTTP_OK                               = 200;
        public const HTTP_CREATED                          = 201;
        public const HTTP_ACCEPTED                         = 202;
        public const HTTP_NONAUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION     = 203;
        public const HTTP_NO_CONTENT                       = 204;
        public const HTTP_RESET_CONTENT                    = 205;
        public const HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT                  = 206;

    // [Redirection 3xx]
        public const HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES                 = 300;
        public const HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY                = 301;
        public const HTTP_FOUND                            = 302;
        public const HTTP_SEE_OTHER                        = 303;
        public const HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED                     = 304;
        public const HTTP_USE_PROXY                        = 305;
        public const HTTP_UNUSED                           = 306;
        public const HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT               = 307;
        public const HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT               = 308;

    // [Client Error 4xx]
        public const ERRORCODESBEGINAT                     = 400;
        public const HTTP_BAD_REQUEST                      = 400;
        public const HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED                     = 401;
        public const HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED                 = 402;
        public const HTTP_FORBIDDEN                        = 403;
        public const HTTP_NOT_FOUND                        = 404;
        public const HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED               = 405;
        public const HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE                   = 406;
        public const HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED    = 407;
        public const HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT                  = 408;
        public const HTTP_CONFLICT                         = 409;
        public const HTTP_GONE                             = 410;
        public const HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED                  = 411;
        public const HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED              = 412;
        public const HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE         = 413;
        public const HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG             = 414;
        public const HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE           = 415;
        public const HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE  = 416;
        public const HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED               = 417;

    // [Server Error 5xx]
        public const HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR            = 500;
        public const HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED                  = 501;
        public const HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY                      = 502;
        public const HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE              = 503;
        public const HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT                  = 504;
        public const HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED            = 505;
 * @var array<string>        The messages for each code.
        private static array $messages = [
        // [Informational 1xx]
            100    => 'Continue',
            101    => 'Switching Protocols',

        // [Successful 2xx]
            200    => 'OK',
            201    => 'Created',
            202    => 'Accepted',
            203    => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
            204    => 'No Content',
            205    => 'Reset Content',
            206    => 'Partial Content',

        // [Redirection 3xx]
            300    => 'Multiple Choices',
            301    => 'Moved Permanently',
            302    => 'Found',
            303    => 'See Other',
            304    => 'Not Modified',
            305    => 'Use Proxy',
            306    => '(Unused)',
            307    => 'Temporary Redirect',

        // [Client Error 4xx]
            400    => 'Bad Request',
            401    => 'Unauthorized',
            402    => 'Payment Required',
            403    => 'Forbidden',
            404    => 'Not Found',
            405    => 'Method Not Allowed',
            406    => 'Not Acceptable',
            407    => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
            408    => 'Request Timeout',
            409    => 'Conflict',
            410    => 'Gone',
            411    => 'Length Required',
            412    => 'Precondition Failed',
            413    => 'Request Entity Too Large',
            414    => 'Request-URI Too Long',
            415    => 'Unsupported Media Type',
            416    => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
            417    => 'Expectation Failed',

        // [Server Error 5xx]
            500    => 'Internal Server Error',
            501    => 'Not Implemented',
            502    => 'Bad Gateway',
            503    => 'Service Unavailable',
            504    => 'Gateway Timeout',
            505    => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
 * Generate a header
 * @param int            $code    The code number
        public static function httpHeaderFor(int $code) : string
            return 'HTTP/1.1 '.self::getMessageForCode($code);
 * Return the message part for a code
 * @param int  $code    The code number
        public static function getMessage(int $code) : string
            return self::isValid($code) ? self::$messages[$code] : 'Unknown Error Code';
 * return code and message
 * @param int            $code    The code number
        public static function getMessageForCode(int $code) : string
            return $code.' '.self::getMessage($code);
 * Is this an error code?
 * @param int  $code    The code number
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod
        public static function isError(int $code) : bool
            return $code >= self::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
 * Is this a valid code?
 * @param int  $code    The code number
        public static function isValid(int $code) : bool
            return isset(self::$messages[$code]);
 * Can there be a body sent with this return code?
 * @param int  $code    The code number
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod
        public static function canHaveBody(int $code) : bool
            return ($code < self::HTTP_CONTINUE || $code >= self::HTTP_OK) // True if not in 100s
                && $code != self::HTTP_NO_CONTENT // and not 204 NO CONTENT
                && $code != self::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED; // and not 304 NOT MODIFIED