The Framework Code


File List

 * Contains definition of the base Web class
 * This exists to reduce the number of method in Web itself
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2012-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework\Framework\Web
    namespace Framework\Web;

    use \Support\Context;
 * A class that provides some basic Web operations and Constants.
    abstract class WebBase
        use \Framework\Utility\Singleton;

        public const HTMLMIME  = 'text/html; charset="utf-8"';
 * @var array<array<string>>   Holds values for headers that are required. Keyed by the name of the header
        protected array $headers    = [];
 * @var array<string>   Holds values for Cache-Control headers
        protected array $cache      = [];
 * @var object   The Context object
        protected Context $context;
 * Class constructor. The concrete class using this trait can override it.
 * @internal
        protected function __construct()
            $this->context = Context::getinstance();
 * Output the headers
        private function putHeaders() : void
            foreach ($this->headers as $name => $vals)
                foreach ($vals as $v)
                    \header($name.': '.$v);
            if (!empty($this->cache))
                \header(\trim('Cache-Control: '.\implode(',', $this->cache)));
 * Debuffer - sometimes when we need to do output we are inside buffering.
 * This seems to be a problem with some LAMP stack systems.
        private function debuffer() : void
            while (\ob_get_length() > 0)
            { // just in case we are inside some buffering
 * output a header and msg - this never returns
 * @param $code   The return code
 * @param $msg    The message (or '')
 * @return never
        protected function sendHead(int $code, string $msg = '') : void // never
            if ($msg !== '')
                $msg = '<p>'.$msg.'</p>';
                $length = \strlen($msg);
                $length = NULL;
            $this->sendheaders($code, self::HTMLMIME, $length);
            if ($msg !== '')
                echo $msg;
 * Generate a Location header
 * These codes are a mess and are handled by brtowsers incorrectly....
 * @param $where      The URL to divert to
 * @param $temporary  TRUE if this is a temporary redirect
 * @param $msg        A message to send
 * @param $nochange   If TRUE then reply status codes 307 and 308 will be used rather than 301 and 302
 * @param $use303     If TRUE then use 303 rather than 302
 * @return never
        public function relocate(string $where, bool $temporary = TRUE, string $msg = '', bool $nochange = FALSE, bool $use303 = FALSE) : void // never
            if ($temporary)
                $code = $nochange ? StatusCodes::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT : ($use303 ? StatusCodes::HTTP_SEE_OTHER : StatusCodes::HTTP_FOUND);
 * @todo Check status of 308 code which should be used if nochange is TRUE. May not yet be official.
                $code = $nochange ? StatusCodes::HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT : StatusCodes::HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY;
            $this->addHeader('Location', $where);
            $this->sendString($msg, self::HTMLMIME, $code);

 * Check for a range request and check it
 * Media players ask for the file in chunks.
 * @param $size    The size of the output data
 * @param $code    The HTTP return code or ''
 * @psalm-suppress InvalidOperand
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidOperand
 * @psalm-suppress InvalidNullableReturnType
        public function hasRange(int $size, string|int $code = StatusCodes::HTTP_OK) : array // @phan-suppress-current-line PhanPluginAlwaysReturnMethod
            if (!\filter_has_var(\INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_RANGE'))
                return [$code, [], $size];
            if (\preg_match('/=([0-9]+)-([0-9]*)\s*$/', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $rng))
            { // split the range request
                if ((int) $rng[1] <= $size)
                { // start is before end of file
                    if (!isset($rng[2]) || $rng[2] === '')
                    { // no top value specified, so use the filesize (-1 of course!!)
                        $rng[2] = $size - 1;
                    if ($rng[2] < $size)
                    { // end is before end of file
                        $this->addHeader(['Content-Range' => 'bytes '.$rng[1].'-'.$rng[2].'/'.$size]);
                        return [StatusCodes::HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT, [$rng[1], $rng[2]], (int) $rng[2] - (int) $rng[1]+1];
            /* NOT REACHED */
 * Make a header sequence for a particular return code and add some other useful headers
 * @param $code   The HTTP return code
 * @param $mtype  The mime-type of the file
 * @param $length The length of the data or NULL
 * @param $name   A file name
        public function sendHeaders(int $code, string $mtype = '', ?int $length = NULL, string $name = '') : void
            if ($mtype !== '')
                \header('Content-Type: '.$mtype);
            if ($length !== NULL)
                \header('Content-Length: '.$length);
            if ($name !== '')
                \header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'"');
 * Deliver a file as a response.
 * @param $path    The path to the file
 * @param $name    The name of the file as told to the downloader
 * @param $mime    The mime type of the file
        public function sendFile(string $path, string $name = '', string $mime = '') : void
            [$code, $range, $length] = $this->hasrange(filesize($path));
            if ($mime === '')
                $mime = \Framework\Support\Security::getInstance()->mimetype($path);
    //      $this->addHeader(['Content-Description' => 'File Transfer']);
            $this->sendHeaders($code, $mime, $length, $name);
            if (!empty($range))
                $fd = \fopen($path, 'r'); // open the file, seek to the required place and read and return the required amount.
                \fseek($fd, $range[0]);
                echo fread($fd, $length);
 * Deliver a string as a response.
 * @param $value   The data to send
 * @param $mime    The mime type of the file
 * @param $code    The HTTP return code
        public function sendString(string $value, string $mime = '', $code = StatusCodes::HTTP_OK) : void
            [$code, $range, $length] = $this->hasRange(strlen($value), $code);
            $this->sendHeaders($code, $mime, $length);
            echo empty($range) ? $value : \substr($value, $range[0], $length);
 * Deliver JSON response.
        public function sendJSON(array|bool|float|int|object|string $res, int $code = StatusCodes::HTTP_OK) : void
            $this->sendString(\json_encode($res, \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), 'application/json', $code);
 * Add a header to the header list.
 * This supports having more than one header with the same name.
 * @param string|array<string>  $key  Either an array of key/value pairs or the key for the value that is in the second parameter
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod
        public function addHeader(array|string $key, string $value = '') : void
            if (!\is_array($key))
                $key = [$key => $value];
            foreach ($key as $k => $val)
                $this->headers[trim($k)][] = \str_replace("\0", '', trim($val));
 * Check a recaptcha value
 * This assumes that file_get_contents can access a URL
 * @param $secret  The recaptcha secret for this site
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod
        public function recaptcha(string $secret) : bool
            if (\filter_has_var(INPUT_POST, 'g-recaptcha-response'))
                $data = \http_build_query([
                    'secret'    => $secret,
                    'response'  => $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'],
                    'remoteip'  => $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ?? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
                $opts = [
                    'http' => [
                        'method'  => 'POST',
                        'header'  => 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                        'content' => $data,
                $context  = \stream_context_create($opts);
                $result = \file_get_contents('', FALSE, $context);
                if ($result !== FALSE)
                    return \json_decode($result, TRUE)->success; // @phan-suppress-current-line PhanTypeExpectedObjectPropAccess
            return FALSE;