The Framework Code


File List

 * A class that contains a last resort handler for pages that are not found through the normal
 * mechanisms.
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2016-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework
 * @subpackage UserPages
    namespace Pages;

    use \Support\Context;
 * The default behaviour when a page does not match in the database.
 * @psalm-suppress UnusedClass
    class NoPage extends \Framework\Pages\CatchAll
 * Handle non-object or template page requests
 * @param Context   $context    The context object for the site
 * @phpcsSuppress Standards.Generic.CodeAnalysis.UselessOverridingMethod
        public function handle(Context $context) : array|string
            /*--- Your code goes here ---*/
            return parent::handle($context);