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 * Add any new methods you want the SiteAction bean to have here.
 * N.B. The functions pre-defined in here can also be overridden by individual pages
 * They are defined in here in order to allow framework developers to have settings that apply
 * to ALL object pages rather than having to override theme everywhere.
 * @author Lindsay Marshall <>
 * @copyright 2019-2021 Newcastle University
 * @package Framework\Support
    namespace Support;

 * Adds functions for dealing with various cache control circumstances.
 * If you add code here then these will apply to all pages. You can override these
 * functions if you want to have special behaviour for a particular page.
    trait SiteAction
 * @var int - the default maxage for a page. This is a static because you can't have consts in a trait....
        protected static int $maxage = 3600; // 1 hour
 * Set any cache headers that are wanted for a normal page delivery
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod
 * @phpcsSuppress NunoMaduro.PhpInsights.Domain.ForbiddenSetter
        public function setCache(Context $context) : void
 * Set any cache headers that are wanted on a 304 response
 * @phpcsSuppress NunoMaduro.PhpInsights.Domain.ForbiddenSetter
        public function set304Cache(Context $context) : void
            $hdrs = [
                // 'Last-Modified' => $this->makemod($this->mtime),
                'Expires' => $this->makemod(time() + self::$maxage),
            if (($etag = $this->makeetag($context)) !== '')
                $hdrs['Etag'] = '"'.$etag.'"';
                'stale-while-revalidate=86400', // these are non-standard but used by some CDNs to give better service.
 * Make an etag for an item
 * This needs to be overridden by pages that can generate etags
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedParam
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        public function makeetag(Context $context) : string
            return '';
 * Make a max age value for an item
 * This needs to be overridden by pages that want to use this
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedParam
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        public function makemaxage(Context $context) : int
            return self::$maxage;
 * Returns true of the request would generate a page.
 * This needs to be overridden if it is to be used. Currently returns TRUE,
 * thus assuming that pages always exist....
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedParam
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        public function exists(Context $context) : bool
            return TRUE;
 * Get a last modified time for the page
 * By default this returns the current time. For pages that need to use this in anger,
 * then this function may need to be overridden.
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedParam
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        public function lastmodified(Context $context) : string
            return (string) time();
 * Check a timestamp to see if we need to send the page again or not.
 * This always returns FALSE, indicating that we need to send the page again.
 * The assumption is that pages that implement etags will override this function
 * appropriately to do actual value checking.
 * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedParam
 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter
        public function checkmodtime(Context $context, string $time) : bool
            return FALSE;
 * Check an etag to see if we need to send the page again or not.
        public function checketag(Context $context, string $tag) : bool
            $etag = $this->makeetag($context);
            return $tag === $etag || $tag === $etag.'-gzip';