The Framework Code


File List

  The fa macro is used by default so you can change which style it uses - regular (free), solid or duotone.
  fab is for brand icons and is also free.
{% macro show(type, icon, other, title, attr) -%}
    <i class="{{type}} fa-{{icon}}{{other != '' ? ' '~other : ''}}"{% if title != '' %} title="{{title}}"{% endif %}{% if attr != '' %} {{attr|raw}}{% endif %}></i>
{%- endmacro show %}
{% macro fa(icon, other='', title='', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{'fas', icon, other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro fa %}
{% macro far(icon, other='', title='', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{'far', icon, other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro far %}
{% macro fas(icon, other='', title='', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{'fas', icon, other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro fas %}
{% macro fad(icon, other='', title='', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{'fad', icon, other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro fad %}
{% macro fab(icon, other='', title='', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{'fab', icon, other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro fab %}

{% macro edit(other='', title='Edit', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('edit', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro edit %}
{% macro delete(other='', title='Delete', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('trash-alt', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro delete %}
{% macro view(other='', title='View', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('eye', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro view %}
{% macro forward(other='', title='Forward', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('forward', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro forward %}
{% macro fastfwd(other='', title='Fast Forward', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('fast-forward', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro fastfwd %}
{% macro backward(other='', title='Backward', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('backward', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro backward %}
{% macro fastbwd(other='', title='Fast BackWard', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('fast-backward', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro fastbwd %}
{% macro search(other='', title='Search', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('search', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro search %}
{% macro check(other='', title='Check', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('check', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro check %}
{% macro link(other='', title='Web Link', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('link', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro link %}
{% macro open(other='', title='Close', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('caret-down', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro open %}
{% macro closed(other='', title='Open', attr='') %}{% import _self as s %}{{s.fa('caret-right', other, title, attr)}}{% endmacro closed %}