The Framework Code


File List

    There several variables you can set at the top of a Twig to control some of the things
    that the Framework includes in the output. Look at twigs/content/page.twig to see all
    the possible variables and how they are used.

    If your page uses the Framework JS util package include this line at the start of the file
{% set fwutils = TRUE %}
    If your page uses the Framework JS dom package include this line at the start of the file
{% set fwdom = TRUE %}
    If your page uses form validation include this line at the start of the file
{% set validate = TRUE %}
    If your page uses the inline editable package include this line at the start of the file
{% set editable = TRUE %}

    if you want to set the title of your  page that is displayed in browser tabs set this variable
{% set title = 'My Page Title' %}

   If you want a breadcrumb trail below the navbar set this
{% set breadcrumbs = [{link:'url1', text: 'Top Level'}, {link: 'url2': text: 'Second level'}, {text: 'Where we are'}] %}

   If you want a <meta> Keywords tag set this
{% set keywords = 'Framework, PHP, RedBean' %}

   If you want a <meta> Description tag set this
{% set description = 'A PHP framework for building RESTful systems' %}

   You can set a schema that describes the page with this variable - see for what values are available
{% set schema = 'itemscope="" itemtype=""' %}

{% extends '@content/page.twig' %}

{# this brings in some useful macros for making forms
{% import '@util/formmacro.twig' as f %}

{# this brings in macros for accessing values in the config database
{% import '@util/attrmacro.twig' as h %}

{# this brings in some useful macros for making modals
{% import '@util/modalmacro.twig' as m %}

{# this brings in the icon macros
{% import '@content/iconmacro.twig' as m %}

{% block meta %}
{# <meta> for things like keywords etc.#}
{% endblock meta %}

{% block links %}
{# <link> for non-css and non-type things#}
{% endblock links %}

{% block type %}
{# <link> for webfonts #}
{% endblock type %}

{% block css %}
{# <link> for any other CSS files you need #}
{% endblock css %}

{# If you want some inline CSS then put it in this block - ***NB no <style> tag needed - it is better NOT to use this though!!
{% block style %}
{% endblock style %}

{# If you want to add critical CSS then put it in this block - ***NB no <style> tag needed
{% block criticalCSS %}
{% endblock criticalCSS %}

{% block scripts %}
{# <script src=""></script> for any other JS files you need #}
{% endblock scripts %}

{% block setup %}
{# Any javascript you need that is NOT run on load goes in this block. ***NB you don't need <script></script> tags here*** #}
{% endblock setup %}

{% block onload %}
{# Any javascript you need that MUST run on load goes in this block. ***NB you don't need <script></script> tags here*** #}
{% endblock onload %}

{# uncomment this if you don't want the default navbar to appear
{% block navigation %}
{% endblock navigation %}

    Edit the file navbar.twig to change the appearance of the
    navigation bar. It is included by default from page.twig

{# uncomment this and delete the headerbody block below to remove the <header> tag altogether
{% block pageheader %}
{% endblock pageheader %}

    If you have a standard header for all (most) pages then put the
    content in the file twigs/surround/header.twig. It is included by page.twig by
    default. You then don't need to have a header block either.

{% block headerbody %}
    <h1 class="text-center">{{action}}</h1>
{% endblock headerbody %}

{% block main %}
    <section class="row">
        <article class="mx-auto col">
            <p class="text-center">Coming Soon</p>
{% endblock main %}

{# uncomment this and delete the footer block below to remove the <footer> tag altogether
{% block pagefooter %}
{% endblock pagefooter %}

    If you have a standard footer for all (most) pages then put the
    content in the file twigs/surround/footer.twig. It is included by page.twig by
    default. You then don't need to have a footer block either.

{% block footer %}
    <article class="col-md-12">
        <p class="text-center">Footer</p>
{% endblock footer %}