The Framework Code


File List

{% extends '@content/page.twig' %}

{% import '@util/formmacro.twig' as f %}
{% import '@content/iconmacro.twig' as icon %}

{% block navigation %}
    {# Might not want navigation bar on a 2FA page... #}
{% endblock navigation %}

{% block headerbody %}
    <h1 class="text-center">Please Enter the Code from your Authenticator App</h1>
{% endblock headerbody %}

{% block main %}
    <section class="row">
        <article class="mx-auto col-6 bg-light p-5">
            {% include '@util/message.twig' %}
            {{f.startform({method: 'post'})}}
                <input type="hidden" name="goto" value="{{goto}}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="hash" value="{{hash}}"/>
                {{f.startfset({legend: 'Two-Factor Authentication'})}}
                    {{f.text({label: 'Code', id: 'cde', name: 'validator', ph: 'Code from your authenticator', required: TRUE})}}
                {{f.bsubmit({rvalue: icon.fa('sign-in-alt') ~ ' Login', class: 'mb-3'})}}
{% endblock main %}