The Framework Code


File List

{% set ajax = TRUE %}
{% set fwutils = TRUE %}
{% set validate = TRUE %}
{% set editable = FALSE %}
{% set usebootbox = FALSE %}
{% set breadcrumbs = [{link: base, text: 'Home'}, {link: base ~ '/admin/', text: 'Admin'}, {text: 'Pages'}] %}

{% extends '@content/page.twig' %}

{% import '@content/iconmacro.twig' as i %}
{% import '@util/formmacro.twig' as f %}
{% import '@util/modalmacro.twig' as m %}

{% set types = ['Object', 'Template', 'In-site 302', 'In-site 301',
    'External 302',  'External 301', 'In-site 303', 'External 303',
    'In-site 307', 'External 307',
    'In-site 308', 'External 308'] %}

{% block css %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{assets}}/css/inline.min.css"/>
{% endblock css %}

{% block scripts %}
    <script src="{{assets}}/js/fw-editable.js?v=1"></script>
{% endblock scripts %}

{% block setup %}
    function mkinline(type, name, msg, id, value)
        return '{{f.editable({type: f.wrap('type'), field: f.wrap('name'), title: f.wrap('msg'), key: f.wrap('id'), value: f.wrap('value')})}}';

    function golink(event)
        window.location ='href');

    const kname = [
        {% for v in types %}
            {value: {{loop.index}}, text: '{{v}}'}{{loop.last ? '' : ','}}
        {% endfor %}

    const clicks = [
        ['delb', framework.dodelbean, ''],
        ['actb', framework.dotoggle, 'active'],
        ['logn', framework.dotoggle, 'needlogin'],
        ['mobo', framework.dotoggle, 'mobileonly'],
        ['editb', framework.goedit, ''],
        ['linkb', golink, '']
{% endblock setup %}

{% block onload %}
        fweditable.editable(edb, {
            op: 'bean',
            bean: '{{constant('Config\\Framework::PAGE')}}',
            source: kname,
            update: fweditable.editUpdate
    fwdom.on('#npform', 'submit', fwdom.nosubmit);
    fwdom.on('#npkind', 'change', function(e) {
        var pn = document.getElementById('npname').value.toLowerCase();
        if (pn !== '')
            switch (this.value)
            case '1':
                document.getElementById('npsrc').value = '\\Pages\\'+pn.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+pn.substr(1);
            case '2':
                document.getElementById('npsrc').value = '@content/'+pn+'.twig';
    fwdom.on('#addb', 'click', function(e){
        this.disabled = true; // disable submit button
        const pn = document.getElementById('npname').value.toLowerCase();
        if (!pn.match(/^[a-z][a-z0-9.]*$/))
            framework.alert('&quot;'+pn+'&quot; is not a valid page name. Letters and numbers only');
        let sp = null;
        let error = false;
        for (let el of document.getElementsByClassName('pname'))
            const t = el.innerHTML;
            if (t == pn)
                error = true;
            if (t > pn)
                sp = this;
        if (error)
            framework.alert('That page already exists');
            this.disabled = false;
        const src = document.getElementById('npsrc').value;
        if (src == '')
            framework.alert('Please specify a source');
            this.disabled = false;
        const kind = document.getElementById('npkind').value;
        if (kind == '')
            framework.alert('Please pick a page type');
            this.disabled = false;
        const active = document.getElementById('npactive').checked ? 1 : 0;
        const login = document.getElementById('nplogin').checked ? 1 : 0;
        const mobile = document.getElementById('npmobile').checked ? 1 : 0;
        var fn = function(data){
            framework.addElement(document.getElementById('ptab'), 'tr', {'data-id': data}, '<td>'+mkinline('text', 'name', 'Enter name', data, pn)+'</td>'+
                '<td>'+mkinline('select', 'kind', 'Enter kind', data, kname[kind-1].text)+'</td>'+
                '<td>'+mkinline('text', 'source', 'Enter source', data, document.getElementById('npsrc').value)+'</td>'+
                '<td>'+framework.mktoggle('logn', login)+'</td>'+
                '<td>'+framework.mktoggle('mobo', mobile)+'</td>'+
                '<td>'+framework.mktoggle('actb', active)+'</td>'+
                '<td><a href="'+base+'/'+pn+'">{{'linkb')}}</a></td>'+
                '<td>{{i.delete('delb')}}</td>', sp);
            //fwdom.mkjQ('.ppedit', nx).editable({params: paramset, source: kname});
        let dt = {
                name : pn,
                kind : kind,
                source : src,
                active : active,
                needlogin : login,
                mobileonly: mobile
        const f = document.getElementById('npform');
        for (let nv of ['start', 'end', 'otherinfo'])
            f.querySelectorAll('input[name^="'+nv+'"]').forEach(function(el, index){
                dt[nv+'['+index+']'] = el.value;
        for (let sv of ['context', 'role'])
            f.querySelectorAll('select[name^="'+sv+'"]').forEach(function(el, index){
                dt[sv+'['+index+']'] = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
        framework.beanCreate('{{constant('Config\\Framework::PAGE')}}', dt, fn, 'addb');
    fwdom.on('#ptab', 'click', function(e){ = {bean: '{{constant('Config\\Framework::PAGE')}}', clicks: clicks}; framework.containerClick(e);});
    fwdom.on('#npage', '', function(e){
    fwdom.on('#more', 'click', framework.addMore);
{% endblock onload %}

{% if not page is defined %}
    {% set page = 1 %}
    {% set pagesize = 10 %}
{% endif %}

{% set pages = siteinfo.pagecount('page',  pagesize) %}

{% block headerbody %}
{% endblock headerbody %}

{% block main %}
    <section class="row">
        <article class="offset-md-1 col">
            {% include '@util/paginate.twig' with { page : page, pagesize: pagesize, pages: pages} %}
            <table class="table table-responsive table-striped table-hover">
                <thead class="thead-inverse">
                        <th>Login Req.</th>
                        <th>Mobile Only</th>
                        <th colspan="3">&nbsp;</th>
                <tbody id="ptab">
                    {% for p in siteinfo.pages(page, pagesize) %}
                        <tr data-id="{{p.getID}}">
                            <td class="pname">{{f.editable({type: 'text', field: 'name', title: 'Enter name', key: p.getID, value:})}}</td>
                            <td>{{f.editable({type: 'select', field: 'kind', title: 'Enter kind', key: p.getID, value: types[p.kind-1]})}}</td>
                            <td>{{f.editable({type: 'text', field: 'source', title: 'Enter source', key: p.getID, value: p.source})}}</td>
                            <td>{{f.tick(p.needlogin, 'logn')}}</td>
                            <td>{{f.tick(p.mobileonly, 'mobo')}}</td>
                            <td>{{f.tick(, 'actb')}}</td>
                            <td><a href="{{base}}/{{}}">{{'linkb')}}</a></td>
                    {% else %}
                        <tr><td colspan="4">No pages defined</td></tr>
                    {% endfor %}
            {% include '@util/paginate.twig' with { page : page, pagesize: pagesize, pages: pages} %}
            <p>{{m.invoke('npage', 'Add Page')}}</p>
    {{{id: 'npage', title: 'New Page'})}}
    <div class="modal-body">
        {{f.startform({method: 'post', id: 'npform'})}}
            {{f.text({label: 'Name', id: 'npname', ph: 'Page name - alphanumeric characters only', required: TRUE,
                valid: { trigger: 'blur', type: 'alphanum', 'remote-reverse': 'false', remote: "#{base}/ajax/unique/#{constant('Config\\Framework::PAGE')}/name/{value}",
                'remote-message': 'That page already exists'} })}}
            {{{label: 'Kind', id: 'npkind', required: TRUE, options:[
                    {value: '', text: '&mdash; Pick a Type &mdash;'},
                    {value: 1,  text: 'Object'},
                    {value: 2,  text: 'Template'},
                    {value: 4,  text: 'In-site 301'},
                    {value: 6,  text: 'External 301'},
                    {value: 3,  text: 'In-site 302'},
                    {value: 5,  text: 'External 302'},
                    {value: 7,  text: 'In-site 303'},
                    {value: 8,  text: 'External 303'},
                    {value: 9,  text: 'In-site 307'},
                    {value: 10,  text: 'External 307'},
                    {value: 11,  text: 'Internal 308'},
                    {value: 12,  text: 'External 308'},
            {{f.text({label: 'Source', id: 'npsrc', ph: 'page.twig, class name, /local/redirection or URL', required: TRUE})}}
            {{f.checkbox({labels: ['Active'], values:[1], ids: ['npactive']})}}
            {{f.checkbox({labels: ['Mobile Only'], values:[1], ids: ['npmobile']})}}
            {{f.checkbox({labels: ['Login Required'], values:[1], ids: ['nplogin']})}}
                <table class="table table-striped">
                            <th>Other Info</th>
                        <tr id="example">
                               <select name="context[]">
                                    <option value="">&mdash; Context &mdash;</option>
                                    {% for sr in siteinfo.contexts %}
                                        <option value="{{sr.getID}}">{{}}</option>
                                    {% endfor %}
                                <select name="role[]">
                                    <option value="">&mdash; Role &mdash;</option>
                                    {% for sr in siteinfo.roles %}
                                        <option value="{{sr.getID}}">{{}}</option>
                                    {% endfor %}
                            <td><input type="text" name="start[]" value="" placeholder="Start Date or Now" class="form-control"/></td>
                            <td><input type="text" name="end[]" value="" placeholder="End Date or Never" class="form-control"/></td>
                            <td><input type="text" name="otherinfo[]" value="" placeholder="Other Info" class="form-control"/></td>
                        <tr id="mrow">
                            <td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
                            <td><button id="more" class="btn btn-xs btn-info float-end">Add More</button></td>
    {{m.close({action: 'Add', id: 'addb'})}}
{% endblock main %}

{% block pagefooter %}
{% endblock pagefooter %}