The Framework Code


File List

{% set ajax = TRUE %}
{% set fwutils = TRUE %}
{% set fwdom = TRUE %}
{% set validate = TRUE %}
{% set usebootbox = FALSE %}

{% extends '@content/page.twig' %}

{% import '@util/formmacro.twig' as f %}

{% block onload %}
    fwdom.on('#more', 'click', function(e){
        const mrow = $('#mrow');
        const pr = mrow.prev();
        $('input', pr).val(''); // clear the inputs
        $('option', pr).prop('selected', false); // clear any selections
        fwdom.on('.delb', 'click', function(e){
            framework.dodelbean(e, this, '{{constant('Config\\Framework::ROLE')}}');
        }, pr);
    fwdom.on(''#uform', 'submit', function(e){
        return $(this).parsley().validate();
    fwdom.on('.delb', 'click', function(e){
        framework.dodelbean(e, this, '{{constant('Config\\Framework::ROLE')}}');
{% endblock onload %}

{% block headerbody %}
    <h1>User &ldquo;{{bean.login}}&rdquo;</h1>
{% endblock headerbody %}

{% block main %}
    <section class="row">
        <article class="offset-md-1 col">
            {% include '@util/message.twig' %}
            <form action="#" method="post" id="uform" data-parsley-validate>
                {{f.hidden({name: 'bean', value:})}}
                    <legend>Login details</legend>
                    {{f.text({ label: 'Login', id: 'ln', name: 'login', value: bean.login, readonly: TRUE })}}
                    {{{ label: 'Email', id: 'em', name: 'email', value:, required: TRUE })}}
                    {{f.password({ label: 'Password', id: 'psw', name: 'pw', ph: 'Password' })}}
                    {{f.password({ label: 'Repeat Password', id: 'rpsw', name: 'rpw', ph: 'Repeat Password', valid: {'equalto': '#psw', 'trigger': 'change'} })}}
                {% include '@admin/roleselect.twig' with { bean : bean } %}
                <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" type="submit">Save</button>
{% endblock main %}

{% block pagefooter %}
{% endblock pagefooter %}