The Framework Code


File List

{% extends '@content/page.twig' %}

{% block headerbody %}
    <h1>Test/Tester Access Only</h1>
{% endblock headerbody %}

{% block main %}
    <section class="row">
        <article class="mx-auto col">
            {% if context.hasUser  and context.user.hasRole(constant('Config\\Framework::TESTCONTEXT'), 'Tester') %}
                <p>You are logged in as the  tester.</p>
            {% else %}
                <p>If you can see this then the page access permission checking system is not working!</p>
                <p>Please report this to <a href="">the Developer</a>.</p>
            {% endif %}
            <p>Go <a href="{{base}}/">home</a></p>
{% endblock main %}

{% block pagefooter %}
{% endblock pagefooter %}