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Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 08:39:48 -0700

via NNSquad https://electrek.co/2017/07/17/tesla-fleet-hack-elon-musk/?utm_content=buffer304a1&utm_medium=social&utm_source=plus.google.com&utm_campaign=buffer

He followed with an interesting example of what someone could do with that
kind of access: "In principles, if someone was able to say hack all the
autonomous Teslas, they could say - I mean just as a prank - they could
say 'send them all to Rhode Island' [laugh] - across the United
States... and that would be the end of Tesla and there would be a lot of
angry people in Rhode Island." And that's like a best case scenario.
Musk continued with what Tesla is doing to try to prevent that: "We gotta
make super sure that a fleet-wide is basically impossible and that if
people are in the car, that they have override authority on whatever the
car is doing. If the car is doing something wacky, you can press a button
that no amount of software can override and ensure that you gain control
of the vehicle and cut the link to the servers."

But governments will demand access to data from and control over autonomous vehicles, both individually and en masse, no matter what Musk or other manufacturers want. Autonomous vehicles represent the greatest potential for government control over individuals in the history of mankind.

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