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Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2018 15:52:04 -0700

[Oops!] via NNSquad http://boingboing.net/2018/04/09/fox-news-accidentally-puts-up.html

When host Howard Kurtz asked for a poll to be put up on the screen that
asks if the media reports fake news, viewers got a look at the wrong poll
- one put out by Monmouth University that asks people which network they
trust more, CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. Not surprising but a knee-slapper
nonetheless, the graphic for the poll showed that people trusted CNN most,
at 48%, followed by MSNBC at 45%. Fox came in last place with a mere 30%
of those polled thinking that the network was trustworthy. Kurtz quickly
said, "This is not the graphic we're looking for - hold off. Take that
down please!"

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