See Through?

Heather Anne of Lemonyellow and I have had a brief exchange of email about things people say when others get between them and something they are looking at. We decided that it would be interesting to do a little survey on the web to see what we could find out about the phrases other people use.

For instance, in my family when someone stands in the way we say "Your great-grandfather was a glazier, but you're not made of glass!" (My great-grandfather was indeed a glazier.) The phrase mentioned by Heather Anne was "Carne de burro no es transparente!"

So, what do they say in your family/gang/town/country/language? Please fill in the form and let us know. Note that we don't want general phrases like "You are blocking my view!", we want expressions that are for some reason particular to a group. You can see the results at

The expression you use :
The language it is in :
An English translation/explanation (if possible) :
Circle of usage (Family, town, etc.) :
Your e-mail address :
the form the form.

Bifurcated Rivets