Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


3 Jul 2003

I got sent a chain letter the other day! A "send a tenner to the top of the list, it really works" kind of thing. Just somneone who picked my name out of the phone book as per the instructions in the letter. Soon these scams will be illegal here but not yet, so there is nobody to report them too.

David Rhodes writing to you again? Chain letters are illegal in the UK - but most are from individuals so sad it seems kinder to ignore them.

Phil Radmall

I'm not sure of the illegality of the chain letter thing, but sending money through the post is illegal in most Western countries.<br /> <br /> That makes those stupid message board "make $10 000 in two months" tricks illegal too for anyone who participates.<br /> <br /> A tenner is a bit much too, most I've heard of ask for only $1