Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


4 Sep 2003

Dave's Gourmet - makers of Insanity Sauce, the hottest sauce availabel. Use one drop at a time only. Read comments from a UK user...

Interestingly, Dave's Insanity Sauce is not the hottest hot sauce in the world. With a whopping great 1.5 million scoville units the hottest hot sauce is "Da Bomb: The Final Answer". Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I haven't tried any of this, but I do own a bottle of it's younger brother "Da Bomb: Ground Zero" which is rated at 234,000 Scoville units. Needless to say, I tried a 1 millimetre smearing on a plain Dorito and couldn't stop hiccoughing for well over an hour.<br /> Alex

Alex Waterston