Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


17 Dec 2003

Oooh, I want one of these

before they modernized it, the chemistry hall of the science museum in london had a giant periodic table.<br /> <br /> why do people insist on turning old victorian museums where you discover wonderful things for yourself buried in the cabinets, into pre-digested pap? Some of the curators are obviously very good, but they can't resist 'modernization' (sigh)

George Michaelson

Last time I went to Chambers street, I found that some of the halls hadn't changed since I was very young indeed. I suppose they have altered it now though.


Last time I checked most of it was still the same. By building the new extention, they in effect modernised and preserved the old section. Although they have moved some of the trains round :-(.


Over in the back corner there was a little model of a coal mine winding gear.
