Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


8 Jan 2004

NBOR website "The first software that lets you operate a computer the way you think will soon debut" Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. So it's an operating system or a desktop? Replace all your proven, specialist tools with one universal tool? (sorry, universal tool tm seems to be a trademark). I think I'm going to have to rant! This may be a perfectly fine piece of software (if over priced, but most software is of course) - some of what it claims to be trying to achieve is indeed sound. BUT why all this ludicrous hype that is already putting people's backs up? (well, mine at least) Sure you want to get a buzz going, but why not a quiet "try this you might like it, it's new and it might just show you a different way of working". Things that claim to change the world rarely do. I'm not going to rant about universal tools this time. I'll go and make coffee instead. And try to calm down.