Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


21 Jan 2004

Nice one Coke - you go to their new music download site, click on the "enter" button (why??) and a flash intro appears (why?) - you see the "Skip Intro" button so you click on that and it takes you straight back to the "click to enter" page. One wonders how much they forked out to have a site as bad as this built!

It's IE friendly, but still is full of errors. Half the images don't load.


see the BBC bit on the launch:<br /> <br /> <br /> gotta love this quote:<br /> Speaking about the problems, a Coca-Cola spokesman said: "As you can appreciate, being the first to do this and working with new technology there are often teething problems. "<br /> <br /> "Being the first to do this"? huh?


url for BBC article:<br /> <a href=""></a>


Being the first to do what? I cant even think of something that they might even possibly, in some strange parallel dimension, be the first to do.
