Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


12 Aug 2004

Nutter. Even worse, he's a gramatically stunted nutter. <a href="">You're going to hell</a>! Oh really, so shouldn't he have registered <a href=""></a>? Heh.

Rob H

Damn, and I can't spell "grammatically". Sorry.

Rob H

I read this as 'homosexual hellhound' at first, which sounded rather interesting. I can see an interesting new game, perhaps (if I squint).<br /> <br /> But no, it's yet another christian nutcase - strange how they seem to be far more interested in hell and its torments than in anything else their religion may offer.


"strange how [Christian nutcases] seem to be far more interested in hell and its torments than in anything else their religion may offer".<br /> <br /> I'm sure that going on about people being consigned to hell isn't confined to Christian nutcases, and the nutty fringes (mmmm... nutty fringes) of other religions have their fair share. I suspect the apparent greater interest in hell than heaven may be a result of how people search for nutters and choose whether they're worth linking to and saying "look at this nutter". Nutcases ranting on about how doing <i>X</i> will land you in hell are more easily located and linkable because of their crankiness and offensiveness, if for no other reason than ranting about their enemies going to hell is a far stronger sign of nuttiness than ranting about their friends going to heaven. <i>"Do A and B and C and you'll go the heaven!"</i> is inherently less link-worthy than <i>"Do X or Y or Z and you'll go the hell!"</i>.<br /> <br /> I feel confident that a few minutes of searching would reveal many nutcases ranting on about how doing <i>Y</i> will guarantee a place in heaven or cause the Lord To Smile Upon Thee, or something.

Rob H