Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


26 Oct 2004

I wish they would hurry up and fix firefox on the Mac so that it can open new windows again! (or maybe I need to do some kind of major de-installation to fix it)

It'd be handy if you made your links open in new windows automatically (just a suggestion though :-))


I don't think it's long until FireFox 1.0 is realised. Hopefully won't be too long.


Mick : nooooooo!!!!!!! I really, really hate when links open new windows. I'll tell the system what to do thank you : sometimes I want a window, sometimes I want a tab, sometimes I want a replacement.


I prefer using just tabs in one window. Tabbrowsing Extensions (I think that's what it's called) is an excellent extension that handles that.


I always open new windows looking at Lindsay's Weblog. Navigating back to the Log, waiting for it to reload always seems to take so long. Well 5 to 10 seconds.
