Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


24 Nov 2004

Kawai/Kowai seems the only easy english spekaing flub. I'll have to watch out for that if I get to go there next year.<br /> <br /> Also the Tako/Taco mix up (seafood is NOT food). I wonder what an Octopus Taco would be?


Tako Taco? Chewy, yet crunchy. Hmmm...<br /> <br /> BTW, if you really want to make sure you are getting "kawaii" across, extend the last "i" vowel by 3 or 4 times instead of the usual 2. From a dumb gaijin, they probably won't care too much (^_^)<br /> <br /> I read an anecdote on about a guy who hosted an Osakan schoolgirl and accidentally called her "kowai". She had a great time laughing about that to her friends back home...

Chris Kuan