Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


23 Feb 2005

Mixed opinions about how the page looks. Of course I am not finished playing wiht it so don't judge it yet. Personally I like the fixed buttons on the right - same size as before but more available.

You put so much work into this site, bless you. Now make the B.R. banner a little bigger. It's a great name, let us see it!

John Weeks

The scrolly typeface you used when the barcode was on the left was nice, though.

Chris Kuan

Its maybe just me, but I'd love it if the comments worked as a 'open in tab' form in firefox. I can only do this in popups, and popups are ANATHEMA MARANTHA. .js, Lindsay for shame, for shame.<br /> <br /> -G


Hmm I made that previous comment with images off... The larger BR down the left looks better. Can you resize the buttons on the right so the page is symmetrical?

Chris Kuan