Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


29 Jun 2005

Can anyone see any point to Live 8 other than to the boost the album sales of some aging rock "stars" - there are only two bands playing that I would cross the room to see. Luckily I will be at Newcastleton folk festival making my own music, though I doubt I'll be able to avoid it.

It makes Bono feel important.<br> <br> It's a completely pointless event, if I went or watch it would be to see artists playing music (most of which I don't like anyway) not to support a massively flawed cause such as "Make Poverty History". Secondly, you just know fine well that all the "stars" will be spouting crap that they've been told to say and whilst trying to appear sincere will simply serve to prove they have little knowledge of what they are doing.<br> <br> Arg!

Bob Bo

Surely it is impossible to make Bono feel more important? He is the most self-important, smug, pompous person I have come across. There are not words for how much U2 annoy me. Look at all this crap with taking someone to court for selling a hat! I suggest that they give some of their wealth to African nations and don't play. That seems like a fair deal to me. Interesting to see if they move when Ireland starts to tax artists' earnings.


Ah, but Bono needs to continue this nonsense to try and ensure his name stays in the papers, lets face it U2 aren't exactly making decent music (I'm not sure they ever did to be fair!).

Bob Bob

Bob Geldoff was verging on bankruptcy the year before liveaid, and the year after? A millionaire! So rumour has it anyway. Probably kept the donations in his bank account, and kept the interest! And also, the only thing he's famous for IS liveaid, I mean, not his shite music!

DAAAAAMN, how do you really feel about it?

John Weeks

Bollocks.<br> <br> Bob Geldof not Bono. Always get the two twits mixed up!

Bob Bob

I would love to see one of the 'rock elite' bastards who are fighting the power elite bankers, just buy 1 million mosquito nets out of their own pocket to donate to African nations...that would do WONDERS. Wonders. THEN, if anyone of them wants to get a set of BALLS and discuss HOW these RESOURCE RICH nations got to be poor and impoverished.....maybe drop a few FACTIODS on IMF/WTO pillaging of African infrastructure to lien on LOANS (they don't even need to get into the subversion of governments and subsidizing tribal wars)......I will still grumble as I search out some of the sound though....
