Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


11 Jan 2006

Boing Boing has a thing about someone spending a year at Disney World? Why would anyone voluntarily visit that hell of earth?

Because Cory Doctorow (whom I despise) gets paid by Disney corp. to talk up Disneyworld, and will post *anything* about Disney on his self-advertis.. I mean Blog.<br><br>Did I mention I don't like Cory Doctorow? And his writing sucks.


I had a day in Eurodisney. Lots of french people there, eating american fries, and bad american hotdogs, and truly awful hot melted cheese dip. It was the most transparently un-french, un-european experience I have ever had in the continent. -contrast with legoland billund, which I went to in 1984, and had a fantastic time and got really good smorgasbord from their cafe. AND they had a museum of tin toys.


Have to agree about Doctrow. Don't like his writing and he does seem to be a Disney shill. Great at self publicity though. Of course I've never met him and he might be perfectly nice in the flesh, so to speak.<br><br>Did I mention that I hate Disney with an intensity that is only surpassed by my hatred of Margaret Thatcher?


My friend's little sister spent a year-long "internship" at disneyworld. I asked what she did while she was there, and among other torturous tasks, she said she was the greeter by the entrance. I really had to hold in my laughter on that one. Her other friend she had made throughout this year, was planning to return to become a character...Eeyore. LOL!


Disneyland: the only human trap run by mice.
