Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


21 Sep 2006

There have been 6436 comments made to this weblog. Please note that there I have the added the start of a captcha mechanism to the comment page. I don't like to do it but I am getting sick of the moronic spammers. I had one this morning that looked as though they had actually looked at the link, so now either they are paying real people to type in the comment spam by hand (which you can't easily beatr) or else they are looking for people linking to particualr pages and generating a comment for that page and spamming it round. Which also sounds like hard work for a spam message that nobody will read. I have no clue why they think that comment spam gets them any audience share at all. Quite bizarre. Some of it doesn't even have any advertising material in it all.

so thats what that thing is called, a captcha.<br>I think they're pretty.

john weeks

<P align=center><FONT size=6><STRONG><EM>CHUPACAPTCHA!!!</EM></STRONG></FONT></P>


Use <a href="">KittenAuth </a>instead! It's like Capcha, but fluffier.


having a go...



There are few people in this world that I loathe as much as spammers.<br><br>They've taken something so wonderful, and have destroyed it for everyone else so they can try to sell their filth. Parasites.<br><br>I remember when the internet didn't suck (I was attending your lectures in HCI at the time Lindsay....). I wish it could be like that again.




<P> KittenAuth, eh? </P> <P>Sounds better than the "Hot or Not" one...</P>

Chris Kuan

I do appreciate you continuing the good fight.