Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


23 Oct 2006

Hmmm, Firefox 2.0 does feel faster than 1.5

<p>yes, but bigger memory footprint. which on dumber OS has some implications for pre-emptive swap/page outcomes.</p><p>I like the &quot;do you wish to recover the 29 tabs you had open&quot; feature.</p><p>my brain is wired to move the mouse to a fixed &#39;close tab&#39; location, having it per tab is still confusing me.</p><p>the &#39;re-worked glossy iconic gui is sheer wankery. they would have done better to fix the ACID test compliance. </p>


<p>Lindsay, or George, or anyone,</p><p>Have you had compatibility problems with any extentions?<br /></p>


<p>the only extension i had was youtube-downloader stuff, and it automatically decided it needed to upgrade. its a smart release. it understands extension/version compatibility issues. </p><p>but if your extension hasn&#39;t been updated. I dunno if you are SOL. -because I only have the one. <br /></p>


<p>Thanks George.</p><p>When I asked the question I hadn&#39;t installed 2.0 yet.</p><p>I was just curious. </p>
