Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


31 Dec 2006

I have yet to see a computer made of wood that looks good, these are no exceptions, they look contrived and tacky.&lt;br /&gt;<br /> &lt;br /&gt;<br /> He talks about wood been symbotic. Rubbish. Wood is in no way &lt;br /&gt;<br /> symbiotic with the components of a modern computer, if it was you should be able to easily make wooden DVD drive transports etc.&lt;br /&gt;<br /> &lt;br /&gt;<br /> If you want to build a computer with &quot;symbiotic&quot; components then you should be looking to plastic and metal. Apple (and Cray?) should be your role models not Chippendale.

whoa i forgot to enter the nuisance string and it went and added all those tags for me, when I re-posted
