Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


10 Jan 2007

<p> </p><div><span class="312381302-11012007"><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="4">Ok. Not being sure of what errors you were referring to, I broke out the ol&#39; Grammer/Spell Checker (English, U.S.) and began. I admit I do not have much of a social life, but even I had to quit, at page 15, with 240 errors. Anyone have an extra Brewski?</font></span></div>


Or should it be &quot;too&quot;?


Read the first line of the page! Based on &quot;bible codes&quot;, they have predicted a nuclear attack on New York 24 times and every time it has not happened, and every time they have found an &quot;error&quot; in their &quot;calculations&quot;.


<p>Thanks.</p><p>Perhaps, men try to make too much out of simple simplicity? It seems to me, people forget that His Word, is His attempt to reach and help us, rather than a code or other rubish for us reaching Him.</p><p>Thanks for letting me expose? (expouse) (epouse) (say stuff).</p><p>PS Sorry for not reading closer.</p>

why the letters gdbgdb and not &quot;giue&quot; or &quot;jubye&quot;? Any reason?

Last comment by Jesse as well

and again, and again, and...

<p>They are updating the page daily, to fix previous day&#39;s error.</p><p>So now they are in error number 31... and counting.</p><p>&iquest;Do they never get tired of being wrong? <img src="../../js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif" border="0" alt="Laughing" title="Laughing" /> <br /></p>

Charlie Brown