Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


27 Jan 2007

<a href=""></a>


Well jeez, and I was about to drop the $89.95 for it. I am in need of some DNA repairs.


<p>Hang on, I think I can hear an emergency response vehicle from the Royal You&#39;ve-Got-To-Be--Bleedin&#39;-Joking Society approaching. That&#39;s one of those where the siren makes a noise like:</p><p>Loooo-neeeees Loooo-neeeees Loooo-neeeees Loooo-neeeees<br /></p><p>If you get my drift... <br /></p>

sooo...let me think this through. What you guys are saying is this might NOT repair my aching DNA?
