Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


9 Mar 2007

Have a read of chapter one and see if your life changes - mice certainly did : I know not to ever go near this rubbish should I see it in a shop (they are claimed to be the most stolen books in some bookshops - probably the shopkeeper hiding them in embarassment)

<p>Reading chapter one showed me how my life could have been changed if only, after all these years, I had been eating cedar nuts instead of pine nuts I could have been a female Rasputin.</p><p>To be honest, I didn&#39;t/couldn&#39;t read the whole chapter. </p><p>re:&quot;they are claimed to be the most stolen books in some bookshops&quot;</p><p>In the 70&#39;s many bookstores refused to carry Abbie Hoffman&#39;s &quot;Steal This Book&quot; as patrons would follow the advice of the book&#39;s title. <br /></p>
