Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


12 Sep 2007

I was having a look at some of the "Facebooks for old people" such as EOns where you have to be in the USA for some reason, and TeeBeeDee where the first captcha word given was "shag" so I reloaded and got "glastonbury" and then "moonwalk". I suspect this is another USA only site and the shag referred to is the dance. I think I'll stick with facebook - these sites seem irredeemably cloying and upbeat beyond sense. (You can friend me on facebook if you want, though do make sure that you identify yourself in some sensible way so that I know that you really a "friend". For some definition of friend that means we have never met, are never like to meet and indeed have never spoken nor do we know what each other looks like....