Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


20 Jun 2008

Is it just me or is anyone else slightly underwhelmed that they found ice on Mars?

underwhelmed and almost disappointed. I am curious about this though <a href="" title="Weird Martian garden house? ">LINK</a><br />


Ingrids&#39; landslide was much cooler <a href="" title="NASA-Ingrid&#39;s landslide.....atmosphere">LINK</a>


Personally, I&#39;m still waiting for them to find the gin, the tonic and the slice of lime.


<p>it would have felt more real if we were being told about it by Ramond Baxter and James Burke, in black and white with natty pen-that-converts-to-a-pointer thingies and cardboard mockups.</p><p> -G <br /></p>


<p>I, myself, thought it was very exciting! I really did. </p><p>You could actually see it! I mean, ICE! Right there on film! Usually when you hear about a discovery you have to be satisfied with a bit of text and your imagination, but this time you were there with the discoverers on this one.</p><p>Oh, well. Maybe I just need to get out more.... </p>

john weeks


Maybe they will find oil too. That would really excite the current US administration, drill on Mars AND the Alaskan wilderness, mmmm.
