Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


2 Oct 2008

I just got the strangest spam : "Hello, Lindsay!

I think that your site is fantastic, and I'm using it for a mineral brochure that I have to do for school. I found EVERYTHING that I needed, except for the chemical formula for Zircon. Please post the chemical formula, complete with what the elements are, not just initials, and then your site would be even better! I love using sites written by real people, so please, keep writing about science topics, because you sound really smart, and by the looks of your site, I think you are! Please e-mail me back before tomorrow, because it's due tomorrow!"

<h3 class="r">ZrSiO4</h3>


It&#39;s exploiting people&#39;s very common enthusiasm for disseminating minerological data. What&#39;s so strange about that?

<p>diamond, emerald, ruby, amethyst, topaz, tungsten carbide, flouride, aspartame...then, take your 1/4C potassium permaganate and gently sprinkle into your 2 cups glycerine, Next, wait a short distance away till the fire department shows up..</p>
