Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


18 Nov 2008

I can't make up my mind about Sterling's new thing

I always liked the 'nomadic furniture' people

<p>I think that Bruce says things othes said before. In general, the value we place on everyday things is variable. It is true that for some, cheaper and simple is best, but usually this is because somebody over-egged the cake and embellished a frying pan out of all context into a deep-fat nosehair removing paint stripper and nailfile tool. -a simple frying pan can indeed be very expensive, but the price is worth it, because you only buy one for some considerable period of time, and use it extensively.</p><p>His chair example is fine. Your buttocks deserve some thought over the surface you intend placing them on.</p><p>But dressing this up in new-age clothes is just his way of making some vig. Perhaps as in consultency, we only value advice we could have though of ourselves, if we pay for it from somebody else.</p><p>-G <br /></p>
