Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


20 Nov 2008


<p>As a student I worked in a crisp factory, the burnt crisp chucking machine was amazing.</p><p>The crisps were propelled into the air over a trough by a fast conveyor belt, an array of sensors measured the darkness of each crisp as it flew over, if it was too dark a jet of compressed air deflected it into the trough.</p>


<p>Krispy Kreme stores in the USA have a nice little automated doughnut frying machine in a glass partition of each store in California. Brings a tear to my eye, the ingenuity of Man. Brings a tear to my eye, the crisis of consciousness of Man too.</p><p>Imagine if the same technicians that make frozen pizza were let loose to solve all worldly problems instead of bankers and foli-ticians?</p>
